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RIP Vic Chesnutt


His career spanned two decades and included collaborations with some of today’s most cherished musicians, indie and mainstream alike. Vic Chesnutt died on Christmas Day after rumors of his death spread across the blogosphere and Twitter. He was 45. According to the New York Times art blog, Chesnutt was in a coma after overdosing on muscle relaxants and succumbed to the event Friday evening. Read More »RIP Vic Chesnutt

Get Teased by Ödland


Five teaser videos so far; Ödland just won’t quit. Their debut EP The Caterpillar blended experimental French classical music with pop, and their pending debut LP, Ottocento, promises more of the same. Ottocento is slated for a Spring 2009 2010 release and if it’s half as creative as these promotional videos, we’re all in for a sizable treat. Read More »Get Teased by Ödland

Levi Fuller

Levi Fuller Rolls Out ‘Ball Of Wax 18’ This Wednesday at Sunset

The Seattle DIY king (Levi Fuller) returns with his next Ball Of Wax comp. This time, it’s themed. Each song is between one and two minutes in length, hence the album’s name, Ball Of Wax 18: One Minute Singles. You’ll see some FensePost local favorites in there, including Levi Fuller (Mr. Seattle DIY himself), Virgin Of The Birds (pictured below), Dandelion Gold, Webelos, Open Fire Choir, and Poland. To celebrate its launch, there’s gonna be a SHOW!

Read More »Levi Fuller Rolls Out ‘Ball Of Wax 18’ This Wednesday at Sunset

Cloud Cult Drops A 2xLP Reissue Today: Stream Select Songs Here!


Not all that long ago, I noted how Cloud Cult‘s music was a phenomenon in and of itself, a movement of cosmic proportions, and an overall championing of positive energy. They had just released their DVD, No One Said It Would Be Easy. Well, the atypical group is back with a new album, a reissue of two early LPs, They Live On The Sun and Aurora Borealis. Out today, the double LP features 26 tracks of early Cloud Cult. Read More »Cloud Cult Drops A 2xLP Reissue Today: Stream Select Songs Here!

The Ascetic Junkies To Release Free EP @ Backspace


Matt, Kali & the infamous crew known simply as The Ascetic Junkies are back with a brand new bag! Yes, Portland’s favorite folk/pop and sort of punk group are bringing some new material to their anxiously awaiting fans – it’s been over a year since the gang put out one of the best albums of 2008, One Shoe Over The Cuckoo’s Nest. As groundbreaking and delightful as the album was, you could always tell there could have been more. And on December 11th at Backspace, the City of Roses will be fortunate enough to hear the AJ’s return to their bluegrass roots, and bring home the joy absolutely free. Read More »The Ascetic Junkies To Release Free EP @ Backspace

Here’s a First: Salmon Thrasher Live!

salmon thrasher

Seattle is known for a few things. Fish is one, salmon in particular. Grunge in another. And then there’s rain. Salmon Thrasher, the latest (literally) garage band from The Emerald City, is a moniker that fulfills two out of three of those items. Apt title. So this news has is twofold: an introduction to the newest Seattle band, and the announcement of their first ever show. Read More »Here’s a First: Salmon Thrasher Live!

Gregory Alan Isakov Folks Seattle, West Coast Next Month


Folk singer Gregory Alan Isakov brings his masterful songs to the West Coast early next month. Hailed as one of Denver’s greatest folk artists, Isakov is set to treat audiences to songs off his recent LP, This Empty Northern Hemisphere. One thing’s for sure, whether you see him at Seattle’s High Dive, visit him at Mississippi Studios in Portland, or stop by one of his several California dates, his mystical acoustic songs will entrance you and lay waste on your emotions. Each song is heartfelt – a trait that ever so often translates magically into live performances. Read More »Gregory Alan Isakov Folks Seattle, West Coast Next Month

Levi Fuller

Interview with Levi Fuller, “DIY Mayor of Seattle”

I recently sat down with Levi Fuller, a Seattle singer/songwriter, to talk about his recently released album Colossal, as well as several other somewhat related topics (ranging from cephalopods to the digitalization of music).

Levi, who originally hails from Boston, has been a fixture in the Seattle music scene for several years now. He is often described as “the DIY mayor of Seattle” and is both a distributor of music (as the editor of the Ball of Wax Audio Quarterly, a quarterly compilation of mostly local artists, and a DJ on Hollow Earth Radio) and an artist.

Read More »Interview with Levi Fuller, “DIY Mayor of Seattle”
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