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A New Plan


Summer is a time for fun, basking the sun, and enjoying good company. It’s winter, when things get quiet, that reflecting on the past and what’s to come is supposed to take place. Yet for the past few months Andi and I have been reflecting on society, life, and what it truly means to be happy. And we have decided to downsize tremendously to achieve our goals of a less burdened life; less burdened by things, stuff, and debt. Read More »A New Plan

PDX Pop Now! 2011 Edition


Yesterday we covered a new track from Portland folk outfit Death Songs called “Wounds” off the new PDX Pop Now! compilation. We talked a little bit about the band and the song, and had a few words to say about the organization as well. That wasn’t enough; it’s high time I let slip a little something — we here at FensePost have been quiet supporters of the Portland festival. Read More »PDX Pop Now! 2011 Edition

5 Years Ago Today


Five years ago today, FensePost went live. In that time we have covered a few thousand bands, made some great friends, and heard some outstanding music. The site has come a long way, and I hope we can continue bringing coverage of unknown and little known artists for many years to come. Read More »5 Years Ago Today

What The Heck Fest! 2011 Edition!


In the photo above you can see Phil Elverum (Mount Eerie, Microphones, D+), Calvin Johnson (The Cave Dwellers, The Halo Benders, K Records), and Karl Blau (Karl Blau, D+). So yes, it is that time of year again. The sun is out (for once) in Western Washington and all the unique individuals in Anacortes come out of their hiding places (and their friends come up from Olympia) for the annual What The Heck Fest! I went last year (hence the above photo) and things went down like this: watched some bands in a park, ate a sandwich in town, watched more bands, slept some, took a walk to Whistle Lake with some friends, watched more bands, drank some beers.

Read More »What The Heck Fest! 2011 Edition!
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