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Roostymunyon [Feature Band]


Written by Fense

I have something to say, and it’s not the alcohol speaking. This is me, bearing my heart, a little drunk on three glasses organic Syrah, but honest and pure and true. “Cease Desist” has to be one of the most under-appreciated songs around at this time. I mean, these guys should be huge! Listen to the guitar-work, the intricate notes and the harmonic, perfectly in-tune vocals. It’s beautiful. Read More »Roostymunyon [Feature Band]

Bye Bye Bicycle [Feature Band]

Bye Bye Bicycle

I don’t know about the rest of the world, but here in America we like to binge. Be it binge drinking, binge eating, binge buying. We gorge ourselves to the point of being quite disgusting. I am part of the problem, and a recent visit to the Cloudberry Records website saw me binge downloading a mass of mp3s, many of which will soon find their way here into posts (though I may concoct a playlist — better yet, mixtape — of various artists from the label to post all at once).

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Stars Like Fleas [Feature Band]

Stars Like Fleas

Written by Fense

It’s the end of the year and I’m rapidly trying to catch up on and wrap up all loose ends. My promo rack is still out of control, as is my inbox. And my 2009 resolution will be the same as 2008: keep up with the inbox and promo rack. Hopefully I’ll be able to stick with it this time around. As I hastily try to pare these two things down, I keep stumbling across new items that slipped by unnoticed, like Stars Like Fleas (MySpace). The album, of course, is The Ken Burns Effect. Read More »Stars Like Fleas [Feature Band]

Peace In Our Time [Feature Band]

Peace In Our Time

Written by Fense

I’m currently in bed. My eyes are half shut and half a bottle of Syrah is settling in my stomach. And in my ears are the pleasant pop melodies of Peace In Our Time. Despite my current demeanor, I would not call Peace In Our Time bedroom pop. There’s too much going on — the songs too full of live for the genre of slumber. Even the slower side of Peace In Our Time features percussion too loud and guitars too sunny for bedroom pop.

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Vancougar [Feature Band]


Written by Fense

Vancougar is the Washington State University (my alma mater) newspaper. While I went to the Pullman campus (whose daily paper is The Daily Evergreen), the Vancougar is the Vancouver, WA campus’ bi-weekly periodical. We are the Cougars, and this year we fuckin’ ROCKED the apple cup. Of course, the two teams playing, WSU and UW, are pretty much the worst in the nation, so there’s not much to boast about winning in double overtime. Read More »Vancougar [Feature Band]

Verona Red [Feature Band]

Verona Red

Written by Ron Trembath

Verona Red is a genre bending four piece from Chicago with a sound that will cut your soul like an unnoticed episiotomy. At first listen, a weariness may settle in your stomach. But it will become obvious when your feet began to move in a Setzer-esque skanking motion, that they have taken over your entire body. Read More »Verona Red [Feature Band]

Houseguest [Feature Band]


Wait a second. Hold on. Stop. Huh? I’m confused. I do not know where this song came from. I do not know where this band came from. All I know is that last week I sat down with a bottle of wine and ran through about 125 emails and that somewhere in this process a song called “The Day Will Come Around” by a band called A Man For All Seasons happened to find its way into the pile of mp3s I decided (yes, over half a bottle of wine) to write about. Read More »Houseguest [Feature Band]

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