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Pete Yorn: Don’t Wanna Cry [pReview]

Pete Yorn

Pete Yorn has always had a well tapped keg of emotional prose in his music. But he has never poured something as personally smooth as his latest single “Don’t Wanna Cry”. With an entirely new outlook on songwriting and composure, Back and Fourth (due out June 23rd), Yorn’s first album in three years, is sure to be an exhilarating release for fans and new listeners alike. Read More »Pete Yorn: Don’t Wanna Cry [pReview]

The Low Anthem [Feature Artist]

The Low Anthem

You can always tell a classically trained artist when you hear one. It, for example, is the first thing I thought of upon listening to “Charlie Darwin” by The Low Anthem (MySpace), and sure enough this folk-leaning trio from the tiny state of Rhode Island includes Jocie Adams, a classical composer. Ben Miller and Jeffrey Prystowsky complete the trio and are the primary voices behind The Low Anthem. Read More »The Low Anthem [Feature Artist]

Hi Red Center Band

Hi Red Center [Feature Band]

They call it Joyful Noise, and while the title is fit for an LP, it’s not the name of Hi Red Center‘s latest release. No, that was dubbed Assemble and it can be found on the record label of that name: Joyful Noise Recordings. It sure fits; Hi Red Center’s music is a bit out there, with wild guitars, barbershop quartet-like compounded vocals, and seemingly randomness when it comes to instrumentation, these guys have a very interesting but equally refreshing sound.

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Golden Bloom: Your Minute Of Fame [Feature Artist]

Golden Bloom

Some folks would say that former Governor Blagojevich is simply a nut job who handles money worse than a 4 year old with their father’s unlicensed fire arm. And it would be hard to disagree. Even the recently released and soon to be worst President in history handled duties as Governor more appropriately. But, it can not be denied that Blagojevich’s situation makes for great indie rock song material. Power, controversy, and Oprah Winfrey are always wonderful topics. And Golden Bloom’s frontman Shawn Fogel gave ole Rod exactly what he deserves – sixty seconds of raw mentioning on “Your Minute of Fame.” Read More »Golden Bloom: Your Minute Of Fame [Feature Artist]

Beaten By Them [Feature Band]

Beaten By Them

This one’s a bit delayed. Thrill Jockey released the latest from Beaten By Them, Signs Of Life, last November, but that doesn’t make the release any less significant. “Town Too Small” introduces the band on a more eclectic and erratic note, experimenting occasionally with time. But such nuances are the norm in experimental instrumental (mostly) groups such as this. Read More »Beaten By Them [Feature Band]

Beast: Mr. Hurricane [pReview]


Something strange and fresh has shown it’s face(s) in the streets of Montreal. And it can only be seen through Beast (MySpace), a collaboration of two of the most amazing French experimentalists, Jean-Phi Goncalves (drummer for Plaster, producer of Lauryn Hill) and the malefic and taunting songstress Betty Bonifassi (of The Triplets of Belleville soundtrack recognition). This transcending duo is creating something entirely new that is retrospectively reminiscent of something that quite can’t be described. Read More »Beast: Mr. Hurricane [pReview]

The Besties: What Would Tim Armstrong Do? [pReview]

The Besties

I’ll probably have a nice little package in the mail when I get home tomorrow (actually today, if you’re reading this the day it was published) with these guys in it, but I cannot wait to get this song out there. It’s “What Would Tim Armstrong Do?” by The Besties. And while I do not know a Tim Armstrong, I do know that this song is damn catchy. Read More »The Besties: What Would Tim Armstrong Do? [pReview]

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