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Brass Bed [Feature]


I haven’t received news from Park The Van for some time, or maybe I have and it just hasn’t caught my attention. Enter Brass Bed, whose blend of folk and pop and rock sounds vaguely familiar yet is quite fresh. Ah, that’s it – I hear a hint of the masters like Television and a Elephant 6 buried somewhere in those guitar riffs and eerie vocals. Brass Bed has the sound of 1960s pop mixed with modern pop sensibilities, and you can’t go wrong with that. Read More »Brass Bed [Feature]

Neutral Uke Hotel [Feature]


Don’t you love Neutral Milk Hotel? Who doesn’t, right? Well, it’s safe to say that nobody loves them more than Shawn Fogel (of Golden Bloom). If you think your adoration can overpower his, try doing a complete tribute set of NMH’s indie rock classic Aeroplane Over The Sea….with a ukulele. Even then, you might not be able to match the beauty and brilliance of one of the most creative cover acts being produced right now. Neutral Uke Hotel is a brilliant seaside coffee house worthy band of flannelled gypsies obviously not in tune with the ordinary and terribly average world. Featuring members of Golden Bloom, as well as gents from The Motion Sick, this is definitely a renowned indie rock experiment. Read More »Neutral Uke Hotel [Feature]

Let’s Be Honeys [Feature]


I was introduced to Let’s Be Honeys from a Swedesplease post several months back, and after that initial listen (and download) I kind of forgot about the band. Well they returned to my radar the other day when “Heartful of secrets” began to play and I was instantly entranced. The songs are simple, featuring only Nils Folke Valdemar of Göteborg, Sweden, singing in his deep, playful tenor and strumming a ukulele or what sounds like a nylon string acoustic guitar. On “Heartful of secrets” he even throws in some hand claps. Read More »Let’s Be Honeys [Feature]

Label Spotlight: Jigsaw Records


The man behind Jigsaw Records has insurmountable knowledge about the most underground of bands, of obscure labels from all corners of the planet, most of which favor various subgenres and sub-subgenres of indie pop. This knowledge should not be regarded lightly, as Chris McFarlane has had his eye on the industry, and in some form has been a part of it, for a very long time. McFarlane is the purveyor of great underground pop music from his brick and mortar shop dubbed Jigsaw Records in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle. The record label was re-birthed from the record shop, which opened earlier this year. Not ringing a bell? This might: Chris was also the main man behind the IndiePages website. Read More »Label Spotlight: Jigsaw Records

Kuan [Feature]


Apparently, Dayton Ohio band Kuan prefers not to name their song. Rather than taking the standard and equivocally boring route and giving them the “Untitled #…” title, they prefer the alphabet. This contradicts heavily with their kin in the instrumental, post-rock-y world, who more often than not concoct wild ongoing titles like “With Tired Eyes, Tired Minds, Tired Souls, We Slept” (Explosions In The Sky) or “Isolated By The Secrets Of Your Fellow Men” (Saxon Shore). Those otherwise brooding titles provide the listener with an expectation which is, for the most part, fulfilled. Read More »Kuan [Feature]

Son Of Rams: Triple Eyed [mp3]


There’s something special brewing in Brooklyn and it largely surrounds one Joe Pruitt, whose band Family Trees gave us the single Dream Talkin’ a short while ago. Well, Joe just dropped me a note about his other band, Son Of Rams, and once again I’m smitten. Son Of Rams veers in a slightly different direction, namely Pruitt and company give it a psychedelic edge, although it is undoubtedly upbeat pop. “Triple Eyed” is a new song filled with vocal hooks and catchy fuzz-filled riffs and a wild, psychedelic guitar solo. It’s a bit of a change from Family Trees, but boy does it still have that lovable summer pop sound. Read More »Son Of Rams: Triple Eyed [mp3]

Dominant Legs: Clawing Out At The Walls [mp3]


Lefse’s latest lust-worthy tune-layer is Dominant Legs, the project of San Francisco-based musician Ryan Lynch (also the guitarist for Girls), whose light, harmonic melodies will draw you in. Joining Lynch is Hannah Hunt, who lends keys and vocal expertise. Shrouded in vocal reverb, Lynch’s ballads, like “Clawing Out At The Walls” off Dominant Legs’ forthcoming debut EP Young At Love And Life, cast a dreamy shadow over these summer days and conjure a longing for the slightly cooler evening hours when the crickets emerge. In “Clawing Out At The Walls”, Dominant Legs packs every moment with continuous, all-encompassing harmony that refuses to let go until the final moments. Just like this summer heat. The key difference being: You won’t want the songs to end. Read More »Dominant Legs: Clawing Out At The Walls [mp3]

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