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N8’s Top 10 Albums of 2010

  • n8 

Intro from Fense. It’s hard to believe I’ve known Nate for about a decade. We first met, if I were to make an honest guess, in the fall of 2001. I don’t believe either of our musical inclinations had yet been established, mine for writing and critiquing and his for DJing and working at Seattle’s only truly great radio station — KEXP. Ultimately we found comfort in the KZUU crowd, which led to where we are today. After posting my best-of list for 2010, Nate hit me up expressing interest in passing along his. And while he was at it, dropped a list of best shows as well. Check ’em out!

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Acid House Kings

Acid House Kings: Would You Say Stop? [mp3]

Acid House Kings is back next month with a new album, their first in about six years. As the previous, Sing Along With The Acid House Kings, has been a favorite of mine since its release, their new one is easily my most anticipated album of 2011. Last weekend, I pre-ordered Music Sounds Better With You on vinyl; the anticipation continues. Thankfully, Acid House Kings have given us another song to bide the time. The song is “Would You Say Stop?” and it will be released as the band’s first single off Music Sounds Better With You on March 3.

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Valentine’s Day Special: 21 Great Singles You May Have Missed

I’ve been contemplating doing something for Valentine’s Day for years, and I finally settled on something good — a massive post packed with great singles from the past. Seems fitting, being the romantic holiday can be a bit alienating for the single person. Or that the seemingly comfy nature of the 7-inch single, with two (well, typically, with an occasional three or four) great songs placed back to back and stuffed in a typically well-designed sleeve, is a bit romantic in and of itself.

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The Hive Dwellers: Get In [mp3]

Throw Calvin Johnson into the mix, and, no matter what situation presents itself, it’ll always be a little awkward. That might come out wrong, but it shouldn’t. He is, in all aspects of the word, cool. When I saw him front The Hive Dwellers at the Anacortes What The Heck? Fest (the above photo was taken there by yours truly), I was again thoroughly impressed with just how cool Johnson could be. So seemingly uncool that it’s gone full circle; there’s no one cooler.

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An Interview with Eric Michener of Fishboy


The paths of Erich Michener (the man behind Fishboy) and myself (Andrew Fenstermaker) crossed in October of 2007 at a little dive somewhere on the south end of Manhattan. It was the annual College Music Journal festival and HHBTM was having an event. They crossed again sometime later in Seattle, a visit that, oddly enough, included a troll, fish sticks and Gassworks Park. That is, unless I’m joining two trips together, which is entirely possible; there was that show at Comet Tavern which may or may not have been at the same time. I digress. Read More »An Interview with Eric Michener of Fishboy

Jonquil: Fighting Smiles [mp3]


I drove down to Seattle about mid-month in January, and in typical form my iPod was on shuffle. I had tossed a bunch of albums on it from my FensePost file, and was looking forward to some new tunes. One band in particular popped up a few times, with interesting synths, clean guitar licks and slightly higher pitched vocals. Each time, the band caught my ear, I had to check out who it was — and it was Jonquil. Read More »Jonquil: Fighting Smiles [mp3]

boat band

BOAT: (I’ll Beat My Chest Like) King Kong [mp3]

BOAT is prepared to release their fourth album, Dress Like Your Idols, in March and we have here the first single from that album. The song is called “(I’ll Beat My Chest Like) King Kong” and it maintains BOAT’s wild throaty vocals, packed with a seemingly self-deprecating sarcasm and a penchant toward pop culture. It maintains those rockin’ guitar riffs and bouncy percussion. It maintains all those lovable rock hooks, catchy as all hell. Yet it’s slightly different from their past three releases — it’s more mature, refined a little bit, almost grown-up.

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Anja McCloskey [Feautre]


What is that glimmering light reflecting off the empty RC Cola can on my window sill? The sun is not shining, but everything seems so bright. That’s when I realized that is was a spirit from an estranged universe shining in and talking to me through my iTunes, its Anja McCloskey singing “Instigate It”. And that is much better anyway! This American-German singer-songwriter and accordionist, who resides in the UK, has a specifically fine-tuned set of vocals that tell of how the heavens can come crashing down on to us at any moment; it’s simply enlightening. So we better start loving now. Read More »Anja McCloskey [Feautre]

Happy Valley [Feature]

  • Cyndi 


I have no idea how many hours of my life are spent swimming through music land listening to bits and pieces of various things only occasionally finding anything worth remembering. Even worse is once something incredible is actually found the journey there is rarely if ever remembered. Happy Valley is a perfect example. Yeah sure bandcamp is a fairly surface level exposition of music but there remains little to no information about the majority of its artists. All I can definitively say about the songs of Happy Valley is: they’re intoxicating. I have no idea how I found them but every part of me this thankful I did. All together pervasive and pulsing these songs just feel good. The intricately-textured instrumentals with muffled-vocals sound seems to be everywhere these days producing good, bad and even mediocre songs. Happy Valley feels to be in its own category of pure, reflective escapism. Simply mesmerizing. Read More »Happy Valley [Feature]

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