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Wolf Ram Heart [Feature]


The name Wolf Ram Heart sounds like it would be dark, and indeed this band creates psychedelic pop shrouded in darkness. These are not playful pop songs. Instead, their new album, Betrayal of Hearts, is filled with dreamy melodies, spacious instrumentation and the soft, mysterious vocals of David James. At times, James’ vocals hint of a less flamboyant, more perplexing Moto Boy (occasionally), but charismatic vocals are as far as the comparison goes. Read More »Wolf Ram Heart [Feature]

Low: Try To Sleep [mp3]


“Try To Sleep” has instant appeal. It sits nicely with Low‘s previous work, especially the more recent, though it also seems a bit more connected and full. That may be a stretch, though, as Low has always been a bit on the minimal side, from quiet volumes to stripped-down instrumentation. But maybe it’s not; this song does have more sound all around. And where Low’s catalog of material has done well with light, quiet songs, it’s good to hear something a bit more rounded. Read More »Low: Try To Sleep [mp3]

The Michael J. Epstein Memorial Library: Amylee [mp3]


If Michael J. Epstein is a slightly familiar face, that’s because he’s also the lead man from The Motion Sick. This is the same Epstein with a PhD, teaching Anatomy and Physiology of the Auditory System. And as the name of his new project, The Michael J. Epstein Memorial Library, is filled with words, the band is also filled with members — at last count: nine. “Amylee” is a glimpse into this project, as well as its upcoming release, Volume One. The song is easily loved, orchestrated folk-pop that buries itself in your head in the most desirable of ways. Read More »The Michael J. Epstein Memorial Library: Amylee [mp3]

Sergeant Sparrow Records [Label Spotlight]


If Sergeant Sparrow Records rings a bell to most of you avid FensePost readers, that may be because the work they have put out has been no stranger to our little world. The label’s owner/operator/lady in charge, Angel Russell, has been featured for her solo work (of which is absolutely phenomenal) and teammate Arman Augusto has been noted as well for his project The Walking. And if these posts still don’t ring a bell, that is a shame. But worry not ye weary ones, there is still time to save your indie soul. Read More »Sergeant Sparrow Records [Label Spotlight]

Alameda: Silver Hands [mp3 Premiere]


Alameda is a new orchestrated folk outfit based in Portland. The band consists of Stirling Myles (guitar/vocals), Jessie Dettwiler (cello) and Jenn Woodall (clarinet). I gave their first LP, Seasons/Spectres, a good listen and it lines up pretty nicely against many of my favorites from 2010: The Head & The Heart, Hey Marseilles, Seabear, The Migrant. Alameda, however, lacks some of the pop traits of their contemporaries for a heavier (and quite refreshing) emphasis on folk. We here at FensePost are just delighted to premiere their new song “Silver Hands”. Read More »Alameda: Silver Hands [mp3 Premiere]


Helvetia [Feature]

Helvetia return with On The Lam, pumping out several new psychedelic tracks blending pop and rock very much in the style of the Pacific Northwest. The title track is among the more notable tunes on the album, beginning with a simple pop guitar melody, handclaps, and a consistent beat. Like the melody, the vocals are soft and borderline playful, albeit with a hint of emotion. By the end, the song tailspins into a hazy psychedelic swirl, launching straight into the similarly vibrant “Arise Pt. 1”. The latter, however, is dreamier and more experimental.

Read More »Helvetia [Feature]

Snowblink [Feature]


Light folk-pop artists are nothing new, but Toronto’s Daniela Gesundheit and Dan Goldman create something unique with their project Snowblink. The band’s new album Long Live came out last month on Fire Records, and it’s filled with warm, catchy little tunes. Many, like “Ambergris” and “The Tired Bees” begin softly and minimally before adding orchestrated instrumentation and back-up vocals mid-way through. Read More »Snowblink [Feature]

Yarn Owl [Interview]


I’ve known Yarn Owl‘s Ted Powers (drums) and Timothy Meinig (bass) since, well, probably 2005. Javier Suarez (vocals and guitar) I met in the years after my 2006 departure. In fact, the only band member I have yet to met is Tyler Armour. So yes, I’ve been following Yarn Owl, virtually, since the beginning. With their first full-length now available, and a planned west-coast visit this coming weekend (see them at Columbia City Theater in Seattle on March 26 and again at Sunset Tavern on the 31st), I sat down with long-time favorite Yarn Owl. The man: Javier. The setting: Facebook messages. Here we go… Read More »Yarn Owl [Interview]

Sub Pop Signs Three New Artists


I’m not much one for putting together a news item. I prefer writing features and reviews than pushing out the latest bit of news, but with a few new signings from Sub Pop, I figured I’d do a one-part introductory list, one-part news bit. Yes, in the last week or so, Sub Pop has signed a few new bands. They are as follows: Niki And The Dove, Still Corners, and Memoryhouse. All three write hauntingly beautiful songs, some of which you can hear/see below. Read More »Sub Pop Signs Three New Artists

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