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My Brightest Diamond: Reaching Through To The Other Side (MP3)


The music of My Brightest Diamond has always been a bit out there. It features a very non-traditional sound when it comes to pop music, oft with orchestral movements much more suited for classical music than popular. Add to that the eccentricities of front-woman Shara Worden, who’s blood runs with music – both mother and father were musicians as was a grandparent, all of whom seemed to have a bit of gypsy in their blood. Read More »My Brightest Diamond: Reaching Through To The Other Side (MP3)

Teenage Reverb: Weekends (MP3)


Joseph Zucco creates some pretty eclectic lo-fi experimental music. As off-the-wall as it may seem at times, he occasionally throws in a cohesive song much more accessible when compared to his norm. Track two off his Isolation Tape Night LP under the moniker Teenage Reverb is one such gem. The song is called “Weekends” and it is quite a surprise. Read More »Teenage Reverb: Weekends (MP3)

Pallers: Come Rain, Come Sunshine (MP3)


Listening to Pallers‘ new track “Come Rain, Come Sunshine”, I heard something familiar: the voice of Johan AngergÃ¥rd. To be perfectly honest, I had forgotten about his involvement in the band’s early single, Humdrum. What I do recall from that early single is light electronic dance music with trance-like beats and pop-like hooks. “Come Rain, Come Sunshine” fits that memory perfectly. Read More »Pallers: Come Rain, Come Sunshine (MP3)

Nick Haslett (Feature)


Somewhere between the ancient world and the modern, the glory of folk music has never ceased to roar its intangible through several different forms of plucking and praying. Whether it be old country blues, delta blues rediscovered, west coast interpretation, or just the idea that a singer/songwriter is the one true connection to the times of long ago, to the pains we feel today. And somewhere in Oakland, we find the perfect embodiment of all those things that make folk music so truly wonderful within the words and strumming of Nick Haslett. Read More »Nick Haslett (Feature)

Wonderful: Rainbow Colors (MP3)


After a little hiatus, a little band from Seattle called Wonderful has returned. On their new song, “Rainbow Colors”, we are treated to a colorful style of pop somewhere along the lines of experimental pop outfit Le Loup. But Wonderful came a few years before that band, having released their debut in 2003. “Rainbow Colors” features plenty of chant-like vocalists, heavily thumping drums, and overall colorful vocal and instrumental harmonies.

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Fonda: Better Days (MP3)


Strangely enough, Fonda bypassed my attention back in 2003 when they released their last album, Catching Up To The Future. Primary songwriters David Klotz and Emily Cook have been busy with other projects, from screenwriting (Cook) to being music editor of the show Glee (Klotz). They’re back with a new EP. And thanks to the song “Better Days”, they have my attention now. Read More »Fonda: Better Days (MP3)

Letting Up Despite Great Faults

Letting Up Despite Great Faults: Teenage Tide (MP3)

I really dug Letting Up Despite Great Faults‘ debut self-titled LP. In fact, “Our Younger Noise” was one of my favorite videos of 2009. So getting wind of a new EP in the mix was pretty exciting. “Teenage Tide” is off that EP and it finds the band picking up where their debut left off. The song maintains that perfect dream-pop sound, with consistent guitar riffs draped softly in a fuzzy reverb and fronted by airy vocals.

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