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Of Montreal: Dour Percentage MP3

Of Montreal

In a way, I kind of miss the days when Of Montreal gave us songs like “Disconnect the Dots” and “The Party’s Crashing Us” and even “The Past Is A Grotesque Animal”. Paralytic Stalks seems a different beast entirely, filled with further psychedelic pop experimentation than we’re used to from Kevin Barnes and company. The more I listen to it, the more I get it. This album is not supposed to be an easy listen. Read More »Of Montreal: Dour Percentage MP3

Whistle Peak [Feature]

Whistle Peak

In the layers between folk music and pop music lays a fantastical world where I often enjoy spending time. It is here I discover some of my favorite songs, bands and albums. Today’s band is a new find, and it comes from this mystical land of upbeat storytelling, catchy riffs and subtle hints of a country sound. Whistle Peak joins together experimental folk with electronic pop. Read More »Whistle Peak [Feature]

Lightouts [Feature]

  • Cyndi 


Brooklyn based Lightouts are Greg Nelson and Gavin Rhodes. The duo creates thick and fully developed rock music pulsing with electric guitar solos and clean, rolling harmonies. Progressive and balanced, the band’s sound is reminiscent of 90’s alt rock and 70’s glam rock dance halls; their music just makes you feel good. These guys have a true gift for musicianship, structure, and layering; they know what they’re doing and they do it well. Frivolous, motivated, tightly focused and refreshingly energetic, Lightouts are a welcomed cure for winter blues. Read More »Lightouts [Feature]

Siskiyou: Always Awake MP3


To me, being an indie music fan is all about being an explorer, discovering new and untapped realms of audio heaven. One of my favorite things to experience is to stumble upon something astonishing in all its brilliance. An artist I didn’t know. An album that blows my mind. Or a single song that simply appears out of nowhere. I have no clue how Siskiyou‘s “Always Awake” found its way onto my laptop, but boy am I glad it did. Read More »Siskiyou: Always Awake MP3

Fense’s Radio Show: December 2, 2011

BMW 2002

As the days and nights get colder, and we enter full-fledged winter, it becomes more and more difficult to justify taking the BMW out. In the cold, it’s almost better to just walk. But I braved the chill and barely-working defrost on December 2, taking the car out for one last night show before the new year. It would be a good one, filled with dreamy music pretty much throughout. Read More »Fense’s Radio Show: December 2, 2011

Ganglians (Feature)


Ganglians will be in Seattle next week. The famed Crocodile will play host to the Lefse Records band on December 6 with Young Prisms. The band gave us Still Living, their first release since a dual album in 2009, back in August. Those were released via Woodsist, and that beach-y psychedelic sound continues here along with one that hints of Lefse artists like The Fair Ohs and Dominant Legs.

Read More »Ganglians (Feature)
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