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Fense’s Radio Show: June 1, 2012

On Air at KSVR and KSVU

Damn. The Bimmer done broke down. Once it warms up, it refuses to hold an idle. I did some research over at BMW 2002 FAQ and found that it could be one of a number of things: a faulty ignition coil, a fuel mixture issue, the carb needs tuning, the timing is off… the list goes on. So yesterday I took it to the shop to get a once-over. Hopefully the damage to my pocketbook won’t be too extensive. Read More »Fense’s Radio Show: June 1, 2012

Ramesh: Berlin Without Return

Voxtrot - Live at Neumos in Seattle, December 2007

If you’ve been a long-time reader of FensePost, you know I’m a pretty big fan of Voxtrot. The obsession began upon the release of the band’s debut EP, Raised By Wolves. I quickly snapped up the 7-inch singles for the EP’s title track as well as the epic “The Start Of Something”, both of which have now been long out of print and are quite hard to find. Read More »Ramesh: Berlin Without Return

Dusted: Feature


Dusted is the new project by Brian Borcherdt (Holy Fuck), taking his music creation in a totally different direction. “Property Lines” is the second track to be released from the band’s debut album, Total Dust, and it stands apart from other songs on the album in that it’s louder and more encompassing than most off the LP. Read More »Dusted: Feature


Foxygen: Make It Known

Deep synth lines open “Make It Known”, contradicting lightly with a 70s rock percussion, guitar and bass. Then the vocals hit with a hint of soul. This is not your standard indie rock group; their influences span wide and far, making Foxygen one of the more unique and interesting new artists to surface of late.

Read More »Foxygen: Make It Known
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