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Way Yes: Important MP3

Way Yes

Way Yes is one of those bands that creates bizarre, quirky songs. Or, at least that’s the impression I got from prior EP, Herringbone. “Important” is the first tune I’ve heard off their new album Walkability and it’s changing my mind a little bit. Yeah, they still have a bit of quirkiness, but they’ve refined it in a way that makes the oddities a little more subtle. Read More »Way Yes: Important MP3

Broken Bimmer

Fense’s Radio Show: June 15, 2012

The Bimmer has been giving me a few issues of late but they’re slowly getting fixed, along with a few odds and ends that have been on the car’s To Do List since I got it. I parked at KSVR on Friday and after cutting the ignition, pulling the key and stepping out of the car, it chugged on for a nearly ten additional seconds. I see a spendy carburetor rebuild in my near future.

Read More »Fense’s Radio Show: June 15, 2012

Suturee: A Breath MP3


Suturee returns with the duo’s now signature bedroom pop on “A Breath”, a newly released single off their forthcoming LP, Skim The Surface. The subtleties off the songs this band creates makes it the perfect title. “A Breath” pushes Suturee forward; harmonies are more in sync, instrumentation dreamier, the rises and wanes of volume more pronounced. Read More »Suturee: A Breath MP3

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