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Gap Dream: Feature

Gap Dream

Gap Dream is the project of Cleveland resident Gabriel Fulvimar. Fulvimar’s self-titled album under the Gap Dream name appears to be heavily influenced by Nuggets-era 60s psych rock. The band has been labeled as everything from garage rock (which is a tab I would attribute to them, but only slightly) to surf-rock (not quite hearing it) and beyond. Everyone has their own opinion. Most words I’ve seen, though, agree that Gap Dream is a pretty damn phenomenal record. I, of course, fully concur. Read More »Gap Dream: Feature

A Dark God Heart by Sleep Party People

15 Must-See Indie Music Videos of 2012

Music videos can be total sensory overload. Not only do you get great audio from bands that have often spent insurmountable time mastering a song they have created, adding to them videos can open a similar avenue with interesting visual storylines and themes. Some have plots, some have twists, and some have neither; others are funny or thought-provoking; all within this list are great in their own right. Check out 15 of my favorite (in no particular order, other than the order they were added to the list) indie music videos of 2012… so far… and let me know what your favorite is, whether it’s on the list or not.

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Social Studies: Terracur (MP3)

Social Studies band

What a progression! In 2010, Social Studies released their debut LP, Wind Up Wooden Heart, adorned with lovable indie-pop songs. At the time, I likened it to a matured and female-fronted pre-Islands band The Unicorns. But revisiting it, I also hear some Mates of State references. Still, none of the likened-to-this, or sounds-like-that do this band justice. Not then, and even less now. “Terracur”, off Social Studies’ sophomore LP Developer, debuted last week, and it demonstrates a substantial progression for the young band. Read More »Social Studies: Terracur (MP3)

Police Teeth: Bellingham Media Blackout (MP3)

Police Teeth

I can’t help but be reminded of Seattle band Unnatural Helpers when listening to the new Police Teeth track “Bellingham Media Blackout”. It has a comparative blend of punk and heavy power pop, filled with rough rock guitars and pop-punk vocals. The band has come a long way from Real Size Monster Series (2009), which saw co-vocalist/bassist Chris Rasmussen in his first new post-Racetrack band. Read More »Police Teeth: Bellingham Media Blackout (MP3)

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