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Fialta Releases Orchestral Pop LP “Summer Winter”


Named after a fictionalized Mediterranean town where an enigmatic protagonist explores the themes of vacation, unreliable memory, idealized love, and the confusion evoked by time passing, Fialta‘s music is a seemingly perfect fit. There is a quality in songs like “Photographs” and “Cars” fit the carefree nature of vacations and hints of an underlying timeless romanticism. Read More »Fialta Releases Orchestral Pop LP “Summer Winter”

WL (Portland Band)

WL: You’re Not Really Here

WL (Portland Band)

I’ve become disenchanted with Washington in the Spring and Fall. I am of the disposition that when the rains return, it is time to hole up inside and hibernate. Unfortunately, in the Pacific Northwest, that time is most of the time. Rain pours — I crawl into bed and listen to its incessant patter on the roof above. I have a feeling WL knows what I’m talking about. Read More »WL: You’re Not Really Here

Therese Aune

Therese Aune Creates Haunting Orchestral Pop

Therese Aune

About a month ago, I played “Chameleon” by Therese Aune on my weekly KSVR radio show. I remember the song being as lovely orchestral folk-pop with a strong European influence. Hailing from Norway, her track fit nicely amidst songs by Lou Doillon and Cheyenne Mize. Now that I have her new LP in hand, I have to revise my previous presumptions. In particular, I must add a word: Therese Aune’s music is haunting. Read More »Therese Aune Creates Haunting Orchestral Pop

The Morals, a band from Canada

The Morals: Sleeping in a Hammock

  • Ana Lete 

The Morals, a band from Canada

Listening to the new single, “Sleeping in a Hammock,” from Canadian three piece The Morals is like following a winding yellow brick road — yet finding gold at the end of the road instead of the Wicked Witch of the West. With its thought-provoking lyrics and winding feel changes, I would not be surprised if it became an indie “song of the summer” staple for 2013. Read More »The Morals: Sleeping in a Hammock

KSVR Radio Show: From a Garage on a Hot Summer Day

It’s summer here in Skagit, and that means the Farmer’s Market is back, it’s time for summer house projects, the Seattle to Portland bike ride is coming up, and the days are, quite frankly, way too long. Light at 4am, light until 10pm; it makes for some early mornings and late (yeah, I’m getting old) evenings. Summer also means less time for FensePost, so bear with me/the site. Especially during the month of July.

Read More »KSVR Radio Show: From a Garage on a Hot Summer Day
The Everywheres

The Everywheres: Someone Disappeared

The Everywheres’ self-titled LP is out later this month on Father/Daughter Records. “Someone Disappeared” is the lead single from the band, who’s catchy hooks delightfully infect every aspect of the song.

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