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Dream Police

Dream Police to release “Hypnotized” Nov. 11 on Sacred Bones

Dream Police

I have made it no secret that The Men‘s 2013 LP, New Moon, was among my favorite releases of the year. It marked a new pinnacle for the band, in my opinion; an arena slightly more accessible to the common listener and a bit more in line with my own personal tastes. Unfortunately, this year’s Tomorrow’s Hits hasn’t quite gripped me as much as its predecessor. Enter Dream Police and their forthcoming album Hypnotized. Read More »Dream Police to release “Hypnotized” Nov. 11 on Sacred Bones

Darlings Century of Light

Darlings Tease New LP with “Centuries of Light”

Darlings Centuries of Light

I have loved Darlings since they released their debut LP, Yeah I Know, back in 2009. Their subsequent EP and singles were equally pleasing to my ears. Then, in 2012, they released their sophomore LP, Perfect Trip, which easily trumped their prior releases. Now we have the first tease of what’s to come. It’s a song called “Centuries of Light” and it’ll be off the band’s third LP, which is called… well, we don’t even know what it’ll be called yet because the band hasn’t decided. Read More »Darlings Tease New LP with “Centuries of Light”

Elliott Smith - Independence Day

Because 4th of July

Elliott Smith - Independence Day

Elliott Smith is one of those artists that never really goes away. He slips into your playlist from time to time and today is no exception. Because 4th of July. It’s Independence Day. Couldn’t help but share one of the songs that made me fall in love with his music. Read More »Because 4th of July

Belgian Fog

Belgian Fog Breaks the Mold on new MP3 “Before You Ever Talked”

Belgian Fog

I always get a bit giddy when I get a new unsolicited email from Robert Dale. It always precedes a new track. My fourth such email communication with Mr. Dale was no exception. And here, two days later, I am quite chuffed to present the fourth song by Dale’s project Belgian Fog: “Before You Ever Talked”. Read More »Belgian Fog Breaks the Mold on new MP3 “Before You Ever Talked”

Xiu Xiu

Xiu Xiu’s “Stupid In The Dark” Asks You To Kill Your Ungrateful Lover.

Xiu Xiu

Xiu Xiu is rarely an easy listen. Think back to 2004’s Fabulous Muscles and abrasive tracks like “Support Our Troops” “OH! (Black Angels OH!)” and “Fabulous Muscles (Mama Black Widow Version)”; both presented real-life content upstanding members of society would rather push under the rug and pretend doesn’t exist. Yet “I Luv the Valley OH!” was a bright spot with a memorable melody and rhythms that could get inside your head. Read More »Xiu Xiu’s “Stupid In The Dark” Asks You To Kill Your Ungrateful Lover.


“With Light And With Love” May Just Be WOODS’ Best Song Ever.

Having heard most of Woods‘ previous material, and firmly believing Bend Beyond is their pinnacle to date, I was somewhat concerned what new material might bring. Would it live up to my worship of their 2012 LP? Would I be epically disappointed, requiring an injection-dose of Bend Beyond coupled with a slew of 70s psych-folk classics? In With Light And With Love I would find my answer.

Read More »“With Light And With Love” May Just Be WOODS’ Best Song Ever.
Odonis Odonis

Odonis Odonis to release ‘Dissed And Dismissed’ April 15 on Buzz Records

Odonis Odonis

Whenever I receive something new from Odonis Odonis, I always have flashbacks to an early EP of theirs. It’s loud, post-punk styling is deep and thick. But the new releases always surprise me. They’re not overpowering. They’re not filled with the gloom and black death that I see in my head. Read More »Odonis Odonis to release ‘Dissed And Dismissed’ April 15 on Buzz Records

Virgin Of The Birds

Virgin Of The Birds: Interview

For those unaware, Virgin Of The Birds is the brainchild of Seattle musician and Abandoned Love Records label head Jon Rooney. Virgin Of The Birds has a new album on the way late this month called Winter Seeds. I recently sat down with Rooney, with whom I’ve been acquainted since my discovery of The Lovely Sparrows back in 2006, to discuss the new release and what he’s been up to these days.

Read More »Virgin Of The Birds: Interview
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