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Ron Trembath

No Go Know: Time Has Nothing To Do With It [Album pReview]

No Go Know

No Go Know’s sophomore release Time Has Nothing To Do With It epitomizes what every garage rocker and experimental noise consultant of this day and age have been tirelessly trying to create. Once again, they have proven that they can be as perfect as their pleasant imperfections will allow. And as rebellious to the fact these guys may be, they have created a two disc collection of tunes that are, shall we say, timeless. Read More »No Go Know: Time Has Nothing To Do With It [Album pReview]

Alexipharmic: American Beauty [Album Review]


Alexipharmic creates songs that seem to feel and breath a complete sense of impervious reality. You can drink his words like a fine scotch, or absorb them without discretion like a tall glass of PBR. His label debut American Beauty is the accumulative effort to reflect on the past years filled with oppression and unnecessary hatred. But this album also reflects upon the hope and promise this highly talented MC has always deemed not only possible to create a greater nation, but absolutely necessary. Read More »Alexipharmic: American Beauty [Album Review]

Mother Nature’s Son: Mother Nature’s Son [Album Review]

Mother Nature's Son

Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to the brand new conspiracy theory of underground rock n’ roll. Though not fact driven, and a very loose hypothesis at that, Mother Nature’s Son has created an album that will test your own ideas of what good indie rock really consists of with their self titled debut. This dynamic duo is the terrific group you hear playing in your neighbor’s garage on starry Thursday nights as you smoke your Camel straights and ponder humanity. They really make you feel good, and small. Read More »Mother Nature’s Son: Mother Nature’s Son [Album Review]

The Flying Change: Pain Is A Reliable Signal [Album Review]

The Flying Change

Think of your favorite “heart felt” movie and remember the music in contained. Whether is is a “running for a reason” scene, or a “someone thinks about the past” scene, The Flying Change will probably remind you of said film. Sam Jacobs’ wonderful moniker is an asthmatic friendly thrill ride in his album Pain Is A Reliable Signal. Read More »The Flying Change: Pain Is A Reliable Signal [Album Review]

Grynch & Two Good Men: Something More EP [Album Review]


Grynch is easily the most prolific MC in the Northwest. But, he may also be one of the most underappreciated wordsmiths in the game of Hip Hop. With an exaggerated and mystic flow, it really doesn’t matter if this man makes it to “the top”. With three albums as well as two hot mix tapes under his belt, Grynch has proven that he has the poetic skills to be on the level of Lupe, Slug, or whoever wants to test him. Read More »Grynch & Two Good Men: Something More EP [Album Review]

Hearts of Palm UK: I Flow [Video Review]

Hearts Of Palm UK

Awkwardness and surrealism have never worked better together than on the video for Hearts of Palm UK‘s single “I Flow”. This female trio performs their synth-heavy track over various mystical images via several green-screen transformations. The beautiful hilarity of these ladies acting so silly manages to uplift the single to an even more wonderfully appealing arrangement of catchy flows. For once, a video actually does sell the song. Read More »Hearts of Palm UK: I Flow [Video Review]

Marykate O’Neil: Underground [Album Review]

Marykate O'Neil

Celebrating the bizarre and ever changing spirit of the bottom society is not a new idea at all. In this age of less is more, to be more than you really are is a state of humanity; it is convenient that Marykate O’Neil celebrates these ideas by naming her latest release, Underground. But, few can match the genuine artistic reality of this angel and poet of the modern day New York singer songwriter’s spectrum. Read More »Marykate O’Neil: Underground [Album Review]

The Bitter Tears: Jam Tarts In The Jakehouse [Album Review]

The Bitter Tears

The Bitter Tears are definitely an odd bunch. It’s hard to completely follow the abundance of wacky antics burning through your laptop speakers. It’s also hard not to love these guys! This Chicago-based band of merry men seem to be a few sparks away from big bass insanity. And their sophomore release, Jam Tarts In The Jakehouse, proves to be the asylum in which said insanity shall be housed. God only knows how a madhouse like this will turn out. But it sounds so damn good. Read More »The Bitter Tears: Jam Tarts In The Jakehouse [Album Review]

Kenron: There Go Home [Video Review]


Kenron is a very eccentric yet calm character. He boasts his music to be “emotionally charged pep talks.” This is about as accurate of a description as anyone could foster up. He writes songs that are intoxicating and oddly comforting to the heart and body. Though simple in nature, these are the type of songs you may want to know of when looking for lyrically charmed examples of the sometimes horribly written book of life. Read More »Kenron: There Go Home [Video Review]

Great Northern: Remind Me Where The Light Is [Album Review]

Great Northern

Great Northern’s new wave sound deserves comparison to the highest point in a drunken night. It is everything you want to remember. Rachel Stotle’s inspiring vocals are an uplifting and obviously intriguing delight. Remind Me Where The Light Is, the band’s second full length album, is a grand continuation of their critically acclaimed debut release, Trading Twlight For Daylight. And as one would hope, or expect, they have improved greatly. Read More »Great Northern: Remind Me Where The Light Is [Album Review]

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