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Ron Trembath

Bend Sinister Gives Away 10 Free Tracks!


In the new age of digital downloading and iTunes supremacy, many artists are turning to giving tracks away as a way to get their name out and about. Maybe it’s effort to get you to come out to your local pub, farmer’s market, or Tully’s to watch them give you the magic live and in person. Vancouver B.C.’s Bend Sinister has graciously joined the hopefuls by giving away 10 free tracks as downloads on their website. And by now we should know that just because it’s free, doesn’t mean it lacks quality. Read More »Bend Sinister Gives Away 10 Free Tracks!

Alan Semerdjian: The Big Beauty [Album Review]


Have you ever wondered what Joe Walsh would have sounded like if he came out in 2005? Or if he was actually any good at any time? Well, wonder no more! Alan Semerdijan and his sophomore release The Big Beauty has brought to light an accessible and bouncy pop/rock album so many artists have attempted to do in the past. But, this guy got it right. With a collection of heartfelt lyrics and a spectacular set of vocals, this is exactly the sort of singer/songwriter we need right now. Read More »Alan Semerdjian: The Big Beauty [Album Review]

Fieldhead: They Shook Hands For Hours [Album Review]


Fieldhead‘s They Shook Hands For Hours is that midnight hour electronica album anyone can enjoy. It is a true aural ambiance filled experience. As well as a digitalized scratch to the face. P. Elam (of The Declining Winter notoriety) has successfully broken out on his own with this fine first full-length solo release. At times it is very easy to criticize the instrumental electronica artist (a.k.a. laptop jockeys) for lack of vocals, but this album can easily rid these stereotypes by basically being plain directive and superior to others. Read More »Fieldhead: They Shook Hands For Hours [Album Review]

Alan Cohen Experience: Eat The Peace [Album Review]

Alan Cohen Experience

There isn’t much you could say about a group like Alan Cohen Experience that wouldn’t be bloody obvious after a quick listen to Alan and his orchestra’s latest experiment, Eat The Peace. This is piano-laced and hippie-friendly southern driven rock and roll that also parallels Phish at their happiest moments. It’s happy-go-lucky storytelling about every free-loving individualist’s favorite subjects: peace, love, train rides, and truck drivers. The lava lamp torch should instantly be passed down to Mr. Cohen. Read More »Alan Cohen Experience: Eat The Peace [Album Review]

Dead Mans Bones: Dead Hearts [Video]


Production designer Jed Hathaway and sculptor Arthur Ganson may very well be two of the greatest visual artists of our time. Tim Burton has got nothing on this crew. Their creative effort on Dead Mans Bones’ latest video for “Dead Hearts” is absolutely stunning in a kooky chill-up-the-spine and smile-to-the-lips kind of way. Of course, they had great concept-themed musicians backing them up. With these powers combined, one of the most stunning videos in some time was created. Read More »Dead Mans Bones: Dead Hearts [Video]

Forcefield Kids: Harmony & Discord [Album Review]


A typical hip hop team might save two EP’s worth of material for one big exploitative piece. But, The Forcefield Kids are far from typical. They have an agenda and they stick to it. That is why their second EP, this year, Harmony & Discord was absolutely necessary. It is obviously too dark to fit the agenda of their prior release, Home. But, Newcastle’s finest duo have not lost their ability to drop flows with a shock and awe mentality. Read More »Forcefield Kids: Harmony & Discord [Album Review]

Big Sur: Women [Album Review]

Big Sur

In a man’s life, there is always one certainty that can confuse him, impress him, and make him cry for many reasons. Big Sur knows this to certainly be the female gender. Ladies. X Chromosomes. In other words – Women. God we sure do love them in all their complexity and beauty; they just exude happiness in the best of times. And what better topic for a country folk band of Bellingham gypsies to tackle? Read More »Big Sur: Women [Album Review]

St. Vincent: Actor [Album Review]


St. Vincent, Brooklyn’s sweetheart Annie Clark, has a style that can suit anyone’s fancy. And Actor is a powerful example of an astonishing effort from Clark to develop down right delightful tunes. It’s the warm coffee in the morning. As well as the ecstasy for an exciting night. If “Laughing With A Mouth of Blood” doesn’t make you feel like break-dancing at your closest Starbucks, there is something seriously wrong with you. “Marrow” should be that sort of cut that leaves you feeling less whole when it is all sang and done. And how can you not feel like taking a candle-lit bath filled with cheap wine when you hear “The Bed”?

If none of these scenarios apply, go ahead and get yourself checked. Read More »St. Vincent: Actor [Album Review]

Built By Snow: Mega [Album Review]

Built By Snow

Built By Snow is certainly a strange name for a band that backs instrumentals with bits and sounds that make reference to old Super Mario or Dig Dug bites (your mother would have killed if you got snow near the game system). But, Mega would have to be a perfect title then – since Mega Man is the undisputed best game ever! The music is pop punk relished, but it’s the aforementioned references to the world of video games that is truly intriguing. If Ms. Pac Man and Donkey Kong were to take ecstasy and birth a digitized child, this album would be the after birth of that disturbing scenario. Read More »Built By Snow: Mega [Album Review]

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