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Andy Fenstermaker

Andy Fenstermaker is a music lover, writer, marketing professional, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to sharing his passion for music with others. He is the founder of FensePost, a renowned music blog that has been sharing the latest and greatest in indie music since 2006. Andy has always been fascinated by the power of music to connect people, and he started FensePost with the aim of sharing his love of music with others. Andy developed a passion for music at a young age. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, Andy grew up surrounded by a vibrant music scene that left an indelible mark on him. He attended Washington State University, where he studied Communication and Business. He holds a BA in Communication and a Masters in Business Administration.  After graduating, Andy started writing about music and created FensePost as the outlet. The blog has a strong focus on indie music, but also covers a range of other genres including folk, indie pop, psychedelic, garage rock, and experimental.  Andy and the blog relocated to the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex in 2020.

Feature Band: Norwegian Arms


Keith Birthday’s voice possesses a quivering vibrato that plays well with Norwegian Arms‘ lo-fi experimental folk-pop. That being said, this band features a similar uncivilized nature as that of Animal Collective and tUnE-YarDs. There’s something wild and earthly about them, organic and unrefined. And that’s what makes a band like Norwegian Arms good — they’re a bit unexpected. Read More »Feature Band: Norwegian Arms

5 Years Ago Today


Five years ago today, FensePost went live. In that time we have covered a few thousand bands, made some great friends, and heard some outstanding music. The site has come a long way, and I hope we can continue bringing coverage of unknown and little known artists for many years to come. Read More »5 Years Ago Today

Tied To The Branches: Walls (Video)


Tied To The Branches is the latest band to release on Abandoned Love Records, headed by Jon Rooney of Virgin Of The Birds and including FensePost favorites Like Pioneers and The Lovely Sparrows. “Walls” features an echoing wall of guitars and reverb-drowned vocals. Its accompanying video is a disjointed psychedelic trip, filled with digital shapes, illustrations and a very colorful palette. Read More »Tied To The Branches: Walls (Video)

JEFF The Brotherhood: Hey Friend (Video)


I know I said I was going to take a mini vacation for a few days, but an awesome new JEFF The Brotherhood video is enough to bring me out of hibernation. “Hey Friend” is off the band’s new LP, We Are The Champions, out soon (June 21) on Infinity Cat Records. It was directed by Lina Plioplyte and it has a bit more color than the band’s previous stuff. It fits the epic wail of distorted, greasy guitar rock JEFF The Brotherhood creates. Read More »JEFF The Brotherhood: Hey Friend (Video)

Typhoon: Summer Home MP3


Early in May, the girlfriend and I drove out to the Pullman/Moscow area in Eastern Washington and Western Idaho. I love this drive, as you see so many distinct types of land, and the weather was near perfect. The reason for this tirade is that we must have listened to “The Honest Truth” by Typhoon about 30 times over that weekend trip. Read More »Typhoon: Summer Home MP3

Fair Ohs: Everything Is Dancing (Video)


Oh Fair Ohs, how I love your name. Started a few years back from three dudes in East London, Fair Ohs began under a different moniker and with what I’d assume to be a different sound (I haven’t heard it, but it was described in the press release as “raucous hardcore”). They thankfully settled on the name Fair Ohs and have donned a sound that hints of lo-fi garage rock with hints of a foreign beach. Read More »Fair Ohs: Everything Is Dancing (Video)

Modern Tapes: Caroline [Video]


I can’t help but wonder how much of Modern Tapes‘ bio is true; it may all be true. According to the bio, they formed in a bomb shelter last year, recording in claustrophobic underground conditions. Their sound is a play on that from a generation ago, tweaked and adjusted to be new and fresh. It’s a sound that blends a post punk efficacy with an influence of dark 80s new wave pop. Read More »Modern Tapes: Caroline [Video]

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