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Andy Fenstermaker

Andy Fenstermaker is a music lover, writer, marketing professional, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to sharing his passion for music with others. He is the founder of FensePost, a renowned music blog that has been sharing the latest and greatest in indie music since 2006. Andy has always been fascinated by the power of music to connect people, and he started FensePost with the aim of sharing his love of music with others. Andy developed a passion for music at a young age. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, Andy grew up surrounded by a vibrant music scene that left an indelible mark on him. He attended Washington State University, where he studied Communication and Business. He holds a BA in Communication and a Masters in Business Administration.  After graduating, Andy started writing about music and created FensePost as the outlet. The blog has a strong focus on indie music, but also covers a range of other genres including folk, indie pop, psychedelic, garage rock, and experimental.  Andy and the blog relocated to the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex in 2020.

Wickerbird: Druids (MP3 Co-Premiere)


Wickerbird is a relatively new band from Mount Rainier, Washington artist Blake Cowan. Cowan is set to release The Crow Mother in the near future, and FensePost is excited to co-premiere “Druids” from the band’s new LP. What you get is highly melodic, guitar-centric bedroom folk-pop, much like one of our favorite albums of the year (so far): Holiday by Port St. Willow. Read More »Wickerbird: Druids (MP3 Co-Premiere)

Blonds: Feature


Cari Ray and Jordy Asher may once have created indie pop, but the past is no longer. Blonds new album, The Bad Ones, is filled with dreamy, soulful mystery. While it may be based loosely around the indie-pop genre, there is a colorful darkness behind the songs this Brooklyn by way of Florida duo creates; it’s timeless but also youthful. It suits Blonds well — these are vintage-influenced love songs for the pseudo-neurotic love-sick obsessive. Read More »Blonds: Feature

Shout Out Out Out Out: Now That I’ve Given Up Hope, I Feel Much Better (Video)

Shout Out Out Out Out

Spanish Moss & Total Loss has been among my favorite albums of the year, and now the band behind the album, Shout Out Out Out Out, has given us a video for opening track “Now That I’ve Given Up Hope, I Feel Much Better”. Directed by Lyle Bell & aAron munson, the video features an amusing concept: people falling over in chairs. Read More »Shout Out Out Out Out: Now That I’ve Given Up Hope, I Feel Much Better (Video)

Jane Eyre: Home Alone 2 Lost In New York MP3

Jane Eyre

From Jesse Rifkin, who you might recognize from his previous band The Wailing Wall, comes a new project called Jane Eyre. Their new song is “Home Alone 2: Lost In New York” and it boasts, according to Rifkin, a sound that combines his “bandmates’ collective years spent as conservatory-trained jazz musicians, meltalhead shredders, musical theatre accompanists, italo disco deejays, and ambient drone obsessives.” Read More »Jane Eyre: Home Alone 2 Lost In New York MP3

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