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Andy Fenstermaker

Andy Fenstermaker is a music lover, writer, marketing professional, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to sharing his passion for music with others. He is the founder of FensePost, a renowned music blog that has been sharing the latest and greatest in indie music since 2006. Andy has always been fascinated by the power of music to connect people, and he started FensePost with the aim of sharing his love of music with others. Andy developed a passion for music at a young age. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, Andy grew up surrounded by a vibrant music scene that left an indelible mark on him. He attended Washington State University, where he studied Communication and Business. He holds a BA in Communication and a Masters in Business Administration.  After graduating, Andy started writing about music and created FensePost as the outlet. The blog has a strong focus on indie music, but also covers a range of other genres including folk, indie pop, psychedelic, garage rock, and experimental.  Andy and the blog relocated to the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex in 2020.

Meursault: Feature


In the same vein as Ireland’s Glen Hansard is Scotland’s Meursault, an acoustic pop collective featuring Neil Pennycook, Calum MacLeod, Lorcan Doherty, Sam Mallalieu, and Ben Fletcher, among others. The band is set to release their new LP, Something For The Weekend. Read More »Meursault: Feature

"Teen Creeps" by No Age playing on KSVR

Fense’s Radio Show: October 26, 2012

I don’t know when the last time vinyl was played on KSVR, but by the state of the record players it may have been quite a while. I dropped by the studio mid day on Friday to make sure the turntables worked properly, then came home and put together a split show. The first half, Halloween-ish songs (even if only in name, some only by their haunting sound) followed by half a show of more dance-y, electronic and remix tracks.

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The Old Ceremony: Fairytales & Other Forms of Suicide

The Old Ceremony

When you’re stuck in the studio of a deserted campus in a small town late on a cold, rainy Friday night, a song with a title like “Fairytales & Other Forms of Suicide” is sometimes the best medicine. Everyone is out, or cozy at home and there’s loneliness in the air. Music is playing, but the emptiness is quite surrounding. Read More »The Old Ceremony: Fairytales & Other Forms of Suicide

Teen Daze: Feature

Teen Daze

A new Teen Daze song is like a wrapped gift. You almost never know what you’re going to get. “Union”, off the band’s forthcoming LP The Inner Mansions is a perfect example. The song features Frankie Rose and mixes fuzzy pop sensibilities with the part beach, part chill, part dream pop Teen Daze has flirted with over the past few years. The song begins strong with hazy guitars and joint vocals from Rose and Teen Daze’s Jamison. Then “Union” morphs into something a bit calmer. Read More »Teen Daze: Feature

Ending People: Fill Your Lungs (EP Review)

Ending People

Denver dream-pop outfit Ending People has captured my heart of late. Their new EP, Fill Your Lungs finds an interesting balance between airy vocals and a swirling echo of guitars, from thick laid back synth notes to all-encompassing guitars. Taking a peek at the band’s history is one of contrast to the music they are currently producing: Erin Roberts was a touring member of Phosphorescent and Castanets. Drummer Tim Hussman was a member of Crooked Fingers. Not exactly what you’d expect from a band whose music could be classified as atmospheric. Read More »Ending People: Fill Your Lungs (EP Review)

Fense’s Radio Show: October 12, 2012

Stuarto at KSVR

It’s fund drive time at KSVR and KSVU, and that means spending a little extra time in the studio. I arrived early and accompanied Stuarto during his show then he accompanied me during mine. I snapped the above shot of Stuarto before I took over the mic. He had an oldies theme going, playing tunes by the Rolling Stones, The Supremes, Willie Nelson and many, many more. My show, par the usual, was filled with the new. Read More »Fense’s Radio Show: October 12, 2012

The Pharmacy: Feature

The Pharmacy

I remember listening to the first record by The Pharmacy. It’s raw and has the rough edges often familiar to a new band. But it was good. That was years ago, and the band has come a long way since; their new release is called Stoned & Alone and, when compared with that early LP… well, there’s just no comparing them. Read More »The Pharmacy: Feature

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