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Andy Fenstermaker

Andy Fenstermaker is a music lover, writer, marketing professional, and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to sharing his passion for music with others. He is the founder of FensePost, a renowned music blog that has been sharing the latest and greatest in indie music since 2006. Andy has always been fascinated by the power of music to connect people, and he started FensePost with the aim of sharing his love of music with others. Andy developed a passion for music at a young age. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, Andy grew up surrounded by a vibrant music scene that left an indelible mark on him. He attended Washington State University, where he studied Communication and Business. He holds a BA in Communication and a Masters in Business Administration.  After graduating, Andy started writing about music and created FensePost as the outlet. The blog has a strong focus on indie music, but also covers a range of other genres including folk, indie pop, psychedelic, garage rock, and experimental.  Andy and the blog relocated to the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex in 2020.

Coke Weed

Coke Weed: Sunseekers

Coke Weed

I haven’t listened to Coke Weed before now, but here they are with their third LP, Back to Soft. My lack of awareness isn’t all that surprising; the band has only been around two years, releasing their debut Volume One in 2011 and their follow-up Nice Dreams a year later. Back to Soft was released late last month, and on it Coke Week gets electrified. Read More »Coke Weed: Sunseekers

The Sufis

The Sufis: No Expression (Video)

The Sufis

It’s been about one year since The Sufis gave us their stellar self-titled debut LP. That album featured hyper-psychedelic pop laden with tambourine, harmony vocals, and an array of non-traditional instruments even for psych-pop: harpsichord, woodwinds, and other stringed instruments. The Sufis’ new LP, Inventions, arrives today via Ample Play and Burger Records. To promote the new LP, the band has given us a video for the track “No Expression”. Read More »The Sufis: No Expression (Video)

Jail Weddings

Jail Weddings Prep “Meltdown: A Declaration of Unpopular Emotion”

Jail Weddings

I first heard Jail Weddings a few months after falling in love with PAPA’s A Good Woman is Hard to Find, which became one of my favorite EPs of 2012. (In retrospect, Jail Weddings’ Four Future Standards EP should have received similar treatment.) What initially drew me to Jail Weddings was that Gabriel Hart’s vocal styling reminded me of the Daniel Presant/Darren Weiss collaboration. So much so, I had to look up the members to confirm they weren’t identical. Read More »Jail Weddings Prep “Meltdown: A Declaration of Unpopular Emotion”


Fialta Releases Orchestral Pop LP “Summer Winter”


Named after a fictionalized Mediterranean town where an enigmatic protagonist explores the themes of vacation, unreliable memory, idealized love, and the confusion evoked by time passing, Fialta‘s music is a seemingly perfect fit. There is a quality in songs like “Photographs” and “Cars” fit the carefree nature of vacations and hints of an underlying timeless romanticism. Read More »Fialta Releases Orchestral Pop LP “Summer Winter”

Gap Dream

Gap Dream: Chill Spot (Video)

Gap Dream

Hazy psychedelic pop and hip hop do not go well together. Yet with his new single, Gap Dream’s Gabe Fulvimar pulls off the mash-up effortlessly. Never have two so mismatched genres worked this well together. “Chill Spot” is the new song’s name, and it can be found as the A-side on Gap Dream’s new 7-inch single on Burger Records. Like most things Burger, this one comes on a limited pressing of 150 dark blue copies of wax and 350 black ones. Read More »Gap Dream: Chill Spot (Video)

WL (Portland Band)

WL: You’re Not Really Here

WL (Portland Band)

I’ve become disenchanted with Washington in the Spring and Fall. I am of the disposition that when the rains return, it is time to hole up inside and hibernate. Unfortunately, in the Pacific Northwest, that time is most of the time. Rain pours — I crawl into bed and listen to its incessant patter on the roof above. I have a feeling WL knows what I’m talking about. Read More »WL: You’re Not Really Here

The Builders and the Butchers

The Builders And The Butchers: Western Medicine (Album Review)


I was quite disappointed by the single The Cave Singers gave us off their fourth LP, Naomi. It lacked the grittiness of their prior work; that gritty sound is what really set that band apart from others in the folk-rock realm. It was enough to not dig further. Enter Portland collective The Builders And The Butchers. Both bands formed in 2007 and both encompass that somewhat raw folk-rock sound favored in the Pacific Northwest. Read More »The Builders And The Butchers: Western Medicine (Album Review)

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