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Afraid of Stairs | I Lit Up b/w Little Voice | 7-Inch Single

Afraid of Stairs I Lit Up 7-inch Single

Afraid of Stairs is a Swedish indie rock and indie pop band that formed in the early 2000s. They released a handful of singles and one EP in the decade between 2003 and 2014, including this little known 7-inch single for “I Lit Up” backed with “Little Voice” which was released in 2013 on Dufflecoat Records.

“I Lit Up,” features a heavily brooding melody with indistinct vocals and a sound that finds an obscure place between rock-centric indie pop and shoegaze. “Little Voice” is a bit similar with angular almost gothic edge to the guitars and deep, haunting vocals. This one draws parallels to some of the darker side of the 80s with hints of deep post punk influence. 

You can hear “I Lit Up” on Soundcloud.

Afraid of Stairs 7-inch I Lit Up Back

I love this single, and it’s a great example why I like collecting. And while I tend to listen to my full length albums much more frequently, singles like I Lit Up by Afraid of Stairs is why you shouldn’t ignore 7-inch singles. You never know what obscure bands you’ll stumble upon, and what gems you might find within. 

Check out my video review of the single below:

While it’s probably not my favorite 7-inch in my collection, it’s one I enjoy revisiting frequently. What would you pick for a top 7-inch single in your collection? Let me know in the comments below!

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