This is the introduction of my new Formative series in which I recount, somewhat autobiographically, how an artist or band lent itself to substantial moments in throughout my life. These are pivotal moments, both from an obsessive, music-loving sense, as well as the personal lifetime milestone sense.
Through time, I hope to discuss the works of these bands much more broadly than just pinpointing a specific album in time. Instead, their work will be looked at holistically and how it impacted assorted moments in my life.
In this series, I will pull down the mask and get personal.

I hope to recount how a seemingly random text message and a quartet of people named Andy came together to watch a Spoon concert in 2007, and how that directly led to my marriage. And how, ten years later, my wife and I will be catching the band as they head through Seattle to promote Hot Thoughts.
I plan to discuss how Death Cab For Cutie was likely my first true love in the world of indie music and how their library of work has resurfaced during various significant moments, both musically and personally.
Some chapters will single in on an individual and how touch points in that person’s career, with one artist or another, have made an impression. Artists like Doug Martsch and Johan Angergård.
Finally, I hope to delve into the musical side as well and explain how the trifecta of Mantles, Ty Segall and Woods each contributed to my abandoning the majority of current and new music, and how that led to a hiatus in FensePost that spanned the better part of two years. And how they all inspired me to instead dig deep into the history of the garage rock and psychedelic rock movements.
Throughout it all will be samples of music by these artists, original and credited imagery of their works, and my signature long-form rambling.
Stay tuned. It begins tomorrow with Formative, Chapter 1: Death Cab for Cutie.
This should be interesting.