Since releasing Play Silver Nickels and Golden Dimes on Hardly Art a few years back, The Beets’ front-man Juan Wauters has focused his creative efforts on a solo project. He continues to possess a strong Lou Reed/Velvet Underground-meets-Syd Barrett influence. “Water” is the latest track to surface from Wauters and the first off his forthcoming early 2014 LP N.A.P. North American Poetry on Captured Tracks.
Where The Beets, not surprisingly given four members, generate a more lo-fi garage-rock sound, Wauters on his own is stripped down and acoustic. Yet he maintains that garage sound, albeit garage-folk. Dig into the track below and amidst seemingly simplistic melodies and lyrics you’ll find masked complexity and clever hidden meaning that give off a high level of cleverness that has always been a strong suit of Juan Wauters’ songwriting.
Interesting track – like the rawness