About a month ago, I played “Chameleon” by Therese Aune on my weekly KSVR radio show. I remember the song being as lovely orchestral folk-pop with a strong European influence. Hailing from Norway, her track fit nicely amidst songs by Lou Doillon and Cheyenne Mize. Now that I have her new LP in hand, I have to revise my previous presumptions. In particular, I must add a word: Therese Aune’s music is haunting.
Opening the new LP, Billowing Shadows, Flickering Light, which is out August 6 via Riot Factory in Norway and Red Eye Transit in the U.S., are three quite soft tracks that emphasize a heartfelt subtlety and underlying darkness. It’s not a terrifying darkness, nor a heavy one; it’s one that makes you ponder the overlap between happiness and sorrow. It’s music that makes you feel.
The album picks up with the mystically beautiful trio “Myself As A Child”, “In A Quiet Place” and “Chameleon”. It is in these three songs where Aune is at her most bold. Her piano is more verbose, the accompanying strings a bit stronger, and the percussion a more dominating presence.
“Chameleon”, a focal point on Billowing Shadows, finds Aune positive and upbeat. But it’s in the other two, “Myself As A Child” and “In A Quiet Place”, where Aune combines the slightly more composed sound with the haunting nature she seems to favor throughout Billowing Shadows, Flickering Light.
Listen to “Chameleon” below, and look for Therese Aune’s new album on August 6 via Red Eye Transit in the U.S.