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Beach House: Wishes (Video)

Beach House

Alright. Let me just say that this Beach House video is totally amazing. It features Ray Wise, best known for his role as Laura Palmer’s father Leland Palmer in David Lynch’s epic Twin Peaks series. “Wishes”, directed by Eric Wareheim, is equally as imaginative, other-worldly and surreal as Wise’s famed role.

Wise assumes the role of a pep-rally coach or head figure; he also takes over Victoria LeGrand’s vocals, lip syncing her part in the song. Acrobatics, cheerleaders and other pep-rally-like activities commence, but something’s not quite right.

I feel it necessary to drop in a quote Wareheim included in the press release:

Eric Wareheim had this to say about the video: “Beach House, Ray Wise, fireworks, and horses. How can I go wrong? This is the first project that I’ve ever collaborated creatively with the band. Victoria’s imagery inspired me to create this special half time show. It also helps that Beach House is literally on my top 5 list of bands, ever.”

Beach House is on tour now in support of last year’s Bloom. Unfortunately there aren’t any Washington dates at this time. That’s OK, ’cause as other people are watching Beach House perform live, I’ll be sitting in my living room re-watching this awesome video.

Watch “Wishes” below and listen to “Zebra” while you’re at it.

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