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Home » christmas » Damien Jurado: Kalla Hus (Video)

Damien Jurado: Kalla Hus (Video)

Damien Jurado

Damien Jurado may be a big fan of Christmas, but there’s one thing he hasn’t done since he began his solo songwriting career in the mid 1990s: write and record an original Christmas song. Well that has changed and Jurado can now scratch that off his bucket list. “Kalla Hus” came out earlier this week as a digital single.

“Kalla Hus” is a collaboration between Damien Jurado and Kyle Zantos with an accompanying music video directed by Christopher Harrell and starring Randall Walker and Sam Anderson. Alone, together, the song/video are both haunting and elegant.

In true Jurado form, the song is masterfully crafted with a beautifully textured piano and strings including a pair of cellos and a violin, all backing his deep, melodic and emotive vocals. Even better, the duo adds a brief, subtle yet erratic guitar solo in the middle.

Jurado’s Maraqopa came out earlier this year on Secretly Canadian. Watch the video above, then stream and download “Kalla Hus” below via the Secretly Canadian Soundcloud Page.

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