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Home ยป The Ocean Floor: My Shelf (Video)

The Ocean Floor: My Shelf (Video)

The Ocean Floor (band)

Eccentric folk-pop comes in many forms. After all, you couldn’t label it “eccentric” if all sounded alike. The Ocean Floor is suited toward the term thanks to orchestration that occasionally hints of the avante garde styling of Nat Baldwin, harmony vocals that could be straight from Ah Holly Fam’ly (also from Portland), and percussion that borders both lightly twee and hypnotically heavy.

It might seem the combination noted above shouldn’t work — and maybe that’s indeed the case — but it does work.

Oddly enough, that’s not Jeremy Faulkner (Ah Holly Fam’ly) fronting The Ocean Floor, it’s Lane Barrington (formerly of Hosannas) who started the project as a solo outlet early this century. It has certainly grown since then. Strangely, The Ocean Floor does have an Ah Holly Fam’ly connection; Shannon Steele (Typhoon, Ah Holly Fam’ly) lends her talents.

The video for “My Shelf” follows an interesting love story, one that rivals all other music video love stories, and features monkeys nonetheness! The video was directed by Kurtis Hough with creative direction by both Hough and Daphne Jane Faison.

Listen to and download “Big Screen TV” and watch “My Shelf” below. Both songs can be found on The Ocean Floor’s new LP Falling Star Castle available as a cassette/digital download pair from Single Girl Married Girl Records.

mY ShELF from Kurtis Hough on Vimeo.

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