I always get excited when there’s something new by The Lovely Sparrows. And while we’ve had “While Sailing” for some time now (the track was released on last year’s EP, Tall Cedars of Lebanon), their video is a fresh look at the song; a confounding one at that.
It’s why I’ve been holding off on writing about it: I just don’t quite get it.
There’s a dinner party, what appear to be a few biblical references, zombies, and a weird science concoction. But underneath is the song “While Sailing”, which emphasizes the genius of mastermind Shawn Jones, whose songwriting ability is captured perfectly within.
Though some of meaning and references are beyond me, the video is still thoroughly enjoyable.
“While Sailing” is the opening track off the aforementioned EP, which also includes greats like “If Love’s A Sparrow” and “National Monuments”. Check out a few tracks below courtesy Soundcloud, and grab the EP from Abandoned Love Records.