Dos is a luscious pop-rock album with highly infectious hooks and a surprising volume given the often laid-back style of vocals and guitar riffs. In five songs, Adios Amigo keeps things diversified, with the subtle “Chicken” and the monumental “Pretty Pretty Princess”, yet it’s all very cohesive with the band’s signature vocal style.
Given their psychedelic pop sensibilities, it should be no surprise that the band hails from San Francisco (though the band’s name and album title may surprise nonetheless). The Bay area seems to be teeming with the sound. Still, Adios Amigo has succeeded in differentiating itself from others in the area.
Thoughout Dos are songs that truly breach genre boundaries — pop and rock, shoegaze and psych, dream-pop and post rock. They may only appear briefly and in an understated manner, but they’re there.
Adios Amigo, too, mixes it up instrumentally. “Chicken” features a subdued banjo. “Never Forget” has bongos. But all strictly fit the pop and/or rock mold as well. With heavy rock-centric guitar riffs, dreamy pop vocals, and faint traces of the aforementioned subgenere, Adios Amigo are an easy listen to enjoy thoroughly.
Download: “Chicken” by Adios Amigo
[audio:120-adios-amigo-chicken.mp3|titles=Chicken|artists=Adios Amigo]
[EP, 2012]
1. Colony’s Dead
2. Chicken
3. Never Forget
4. Take Me to Heaven
5. Pretty Pretty Princess