Ravens & Chimes is a New York art-pop band fronted by Asher Lack (son of famed artist Stephen Lack). The band has been together now since 2005, having released their debut LP Reichenbach Falls in 2007 and a follow-up EP in 2009. Ravens & Chimes is poised to give listeners their sophomore release, Holiday Life, tomorrow and have been critical acclaim for songs like “Night” (which you can sample below) and “Division Street”.
Regarding the latter, they’ve got a new music video for the track. “Division Street” plays with time in what appears to be fives, utilizing a time signature with which few bands attempt to dabble. It immediately makes the song stand out. Add to it the emotive, self-reflective nature of “Division Street” paired with male/female harmony vocals and the folk-pop meets art-pop sensibilities of the band, and the song is a clear winner.
The video is a simple one; mostly the band, playing their song, with cut-aways to Asher walking a mostly empty New York street, and camera pans from street level looking to rooftops.
I used to dislike videos like this, but my disdain for their simplicity has vanished of late. The lack of theme or storyline in the video allows you to focus more on the song, which is precisely what you want with a track like “Division Street”.
Check out “Division Street” below courtesy YouTube and grab “Night” as a sampler off Holiday Life. And don’t forget, that LP hits tomorrow via Better Looking Records.
Download: “Night” by Ravens & Chimes
[audio:120402-ravens-chimes-night.mp3|titles=Night|artists=Ravens & Chimes]