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Home » black marble » Fense’s Radio Show: February 10, 2012

Fense’s Radio Show: February 10, 2012

At KSVR, February 10, 2012

I got pulled over tonight. Nothing big, just a bad taillight. The cop may have thought I was trying to evade him, pulling into the dark, always vacant Skagit Valley College parking lot late on a Friday night. As soon as I rounded the corner, his lights went on.

He was really nice, just wanted to give me a heads up that the light was off. Made sure my license was valid, I had insurance, and the old beater BMW was a registered vehicle. And he let me on my way, which was about 30 yards to my usual parking spot.

Tonights show is about polar opposites. It begins slow, soft, and dreamy. In the second half, it grows into something harsh, loud and gritty.

Radio Set #1

“Serpents” by Sharon Van Etten off Tramp
“Always For You” by The Album Leaf off Into the Blue Again
“Leaving for Good” by The Missing Season off The Last Summer
“Meredith & Iris” by Carissa’s Weird off Tucson b/w Meredith & Iris

Radio Set #2

“Hound of Winter” by Mogwai off Earth Division
“Top of the Hill” by Conduits off Conduits
“Little Expressionless Animals” by Memoryhouse off The Slideshow Effect

Radio Set #3

“Cremona Memories” by Keep Shelly in Athens off In Love with Dusk
“Schwindelig” by Kollektiv Turmstrasse
“Window” by PVT

Radio Set #4

“Pariah” by Mike Wexler off Dispossession
“Shapeless & Gone” by Porcelain Raft off Strange Weekend
“Pretender” by Black Marble off Weight Against The Door EP

Radio Set #5

“17” by Youth Lagoon off The Year of Hybernation
“Undertow” by Warpaint off The Fool
“Call To Be” by Dana Buoy off Summer Bodies
“Marathon Runner” by Yellow Ostrich off Strange Land

Radio Set #6

“Losing, Lost” by Two Suns off Dream Familiar
“Things WIll Disappear Like Tears in the Rain” by Sleep Party People off We Were Drifting on a Sad Song
“Rats” by K-Holes off Dismania
“Swagger Vets And Double Moon” by White Fence off Family Perfume Vol. 1
“Hollandaze” by Odonis Odonis off Hollandaze

Radio Set #7

“Replicate by Disappears off Pre-Language
“U R My Intended” by The Make-Up off U R My Intended b/w The Choice
“Smile” by The Fall off Perverted by Language

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