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The Explorers Club: Weight Of The World MP3

On their 2008 debut, Freedom Wind, The Explorers Club likened their pop music to classics. The harmonies were what did it; saturated in layers and filled with male-on-male falsetto, that album had Pet Sounds written all over it. Nearly four years later, the band has returned with a new EP called The Californian Suite — very Beach Boys-esque, too — and with it, those to-die-for harmonies.

But on “Weight Of The World (Under Construction Mix)”, they’re not a prevalent. They’re masked behind a deep set of vocals that hint at an influence that dates back a few additional decades. To top it off, The Explorers Club kicks the whole thing into gear with some Buffett-like steel drums.

It’s an interesting mix that’s certainly unique, despite a lengthy list of well-known and not influencers. The band employs just the right amount of each to craft a song that’s recognizable in sections, but entirely original.

Listen: “Weight Of The World (Under Construction Mix” by The Explorers Club
[audio:111110-explorers-club-weight-of-the-world.mp3|titles=Weight Of The World|artists=The Explorers Club]

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