Fishboy returns after giving us Classic Creeps with a new video from “Aspen2k” off the album and a tour, which includes a number of performances around the Seattle area. “Aspen2k” is one of the more upbeat tracks off Classic Creeps and it features Fishboy main man Eric Michener, a look-a-like hand puppet, and some fun indie pop art.
To celebrate the album’s release, Fishboy is going on tour!
And that tour hits the Seattle area in early-mid September. On the 10th, you can catch Fishboy at Columbia Theater with Aqueduct and BOAT, and on the 11th on Vashon Isalnd with Red Pony Clock, iji, and Terrordactyls. There’s also a secret show, so you’re one of the select few if you know about that one…
There’s more. States Eric Edward Fishboy: Also, this is going to be a unique acoustic Fishboy tour. It will be me on acoustic guitar, our bass player Ryan Williams (who’s also in Baptist Generals, Boxcar Bandits and a million great Denton bands) will be playing Guitarron or as I call it “mariachi bass” and then Mustard Rob aka St. Louis’s Googolpleixa on accordion and percussion.
Here’s the video for “Aspen2k”: