About six months ago, I became completely obsessed with zombies films, mostly due to the brilliance behind Robert Kirkman‘s The Walking Dead books and the airing of the series on AMC. As Season 1 comes out on DVD and BluRay today, I figured the time was right to post this. So I buckled down and finished my zombie soundtrack podcast, filled with songs I felt perfect for a zombie film. Be assured: this will not be your typical zombie mix.
There’s good reason for this. When I think of b-movie zombie films and big budget ones alike, I think of bad metal. It’s terrible. So many Zombie movies feature it. They should be about scaring the shit out of you, chilling your very soul, not subjecting you to bad taste. The zombie apocalypse soundtrack should be filled with mystery, hope and terror, pain and suffering, and an underlying and general appreciation for life.
There will be moments of calm, moments of anguish, and moments of unabashed terror.
As the term “soundtrack” suggests, I set out to create my own zombie movie in my head. Being a soundtrack, this means there will be plenty of instrumentals. And when your life hangs in the balance on a daily basis, as it would in a zombie movie, pleasant moments will suddenly twist into terror; there is no better genre to embody this than post rock, so there will also be plenty of that.
I’ve pared it down significantly to save time and sanity. It was originally two, maybe even three times this length, and I struggled greatly in organizing it appropriately. It’s not perfect, and I’m sure there are plenty of truly great songs that should be contained within, but I digress. It may be cool, or it may really suck. It is what it is, and, in my opinion, it’s a solid start.
Download: FensePost Podcast Volume #2 Issue 01: Soundtrack to the Zombie Apocalypse
[audio:fppc-v2i1-soundtrack-to-the-zombie-apocalypse.mp3|titles=Soundtrack to the Zombie Apocalypse|artists=FensePost Podcast Volume 2 Issue 01]
Phase 1: From Calm to Despair
“Diagnosed With” by Borcarea off Corpus
“We Came From Monsters” by Emmalee Crane off Formantine
“When We Reach The Hill” by The Black Heart Procession off 2
Phase 2: Realization becomes Terror
“3326” by Ólafur Arnalds off Eulogy For Evolution
“The Call Of The Wild” by The Polyphonic Spree off Thumbsucker Soundtrack
“Fields, Shorelines, and Hunters” by M83 off Before The Dawn Heals Us
Phase 3: Encounters
“The Might Of The Sword” by AristeiA off How To Kill A King
“Mouth Of Sky” by Mount Eerie off Wind’s Poem
“Who Will Be King Over All The Dead” by Morrow off Morrow
Phase 4: Hope, Horror and Despair
“Nightmare Then Sunshines” by Glorie off Glorie
“Catastrophe And The Cure” by Explosions In The Sky off All Of A Sudden I Miss Everyone
“The Triumph Of Our Tired Eyes” by A Silver Mt. Zion off Born Into Trouble As The Sparks Fly Upward
“In A House – In A Heartbeat” by John Murphy off 28 Days Later Soundtrack
Phase 5: Peace / Death / Resurrection
“I Know You Are But What Am I?” by Mogwai off Happy Songs For Happy People
“Oporto” by Hawk And A Hacksaw off The Way The Wind Blows
“Bonehead” by Naked City off Naked City
Phase 6: Closing Credits
“Did I Die” by Oneida off The Wedding
“Oh, The Moon Hangs Low” by Ghost Box Orchestra off The Only Light On
“The Ghost” by I Love You But I’ve Chosen Darkness off Fear Is On Our Side