Experimental electronic folk never sounded so dreamy. “Cotton Curls” by Sleep Whale has soft, pleasant melodies supported by a heavy percussive tromp. Fronted by mysterious, psychedelic, cooing vocals, the song splits reality with the dream-life. It’s like an Animal Collective track without all the bells and whistles; just peaceful and colorful. It’s evocative of a midsummer afternoon half-slumber, warm with soft pillows and messed up sheets. You can almost feel the sun streaming in through the blinds, and hear a lawnmower in the distance. And as you flicker between deep sleep and a lazy barely-awake, Sleep Whale’s lyrics ring true: What is this place? … It doesn’t make sense. But in a way, it makes perfect sense – dreams always do when you’re in their midst.
Sleep Whale: Cotton Curls [mp3]
[audio:091116-sleep_whale-cotton_curls.mp3|titles=Cotton Curls|artists=Sleep Whale]