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Erik de Vahl: Running [Track Review]

Erik de Vahl

“Running” is my introduction to Sweden’s Erik de Vahl, who creates softly romantic experimental pop music. Experimental music comes in many forms, and experimental pop is no exception. On “Running” de Vahl focuses on melody and adds a variety of instruments, from subtle bongos in the background to various forms of keyed instruments and electronics. The result is a breathtaking concoction of underground pop genius.

This discovery comes from a recent Swedesplease post on Erik de Vahl, noting the song can be found on de Vahl’s Scattered Vacations/As I Am Beating double mini-CD-R.

Erik de Vahl: Running [mp3]
[audio:090801-erik_de_vahl-running.mp3|title=Running|artists=Erik de Vahl]

Scattered Vacations/As I Am Beating by Erik de Vahl

1 thought on “Erik de Vahl: Running [Track Review]”

  1. i’ve been listening to Erik for quite some time. He is a stand up guy. Once i couldn’t find one of his CDs anywhere so i wrote him a note and he mailed it to me.

    I highly recommend all of his stuff actually.

    Was a bit disappointed at one of his releases a few years ago as it was limited to just 100 and i missed out ๐Ÿ™

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