Here’s a fun little video for “Complimentary Maps” by Hungry, Hungry Ghost (MySpace). The concept is simple enough and it’s quite effective in creating a unique little storyline. The three shots, all done in single takes, portray very refined choreography, much along the lines of something OK Go would do.
The song, too, is fun and easily entertaining. In “Complimentary Maps”, Hungry, Hungry Ghost makes majestic and theatrical pop that is entirely contagious as it progresses from humble beginnings to a sing-along conclusion.
“Complimentary Maps” can be found on Hungry, Hungry Ghost’s album Sleeping English, out this week on Infinite Best and available for purchase from InSound.
Hungry, Hungry Ghost: Complimentary Maps [mp3]
[audio:090527_hungry_hungry_ghost_-_complimentary_maps.mp3|titles=Complimentary Ghost|artists=Hungry Hungry Ghost]