Trondheim is a town in Norway but contrary to what this may imply, the band Trondheim does not hail from this country. Instead, it is the brainchild of Ansgar Seide, a native German. After two EPs on the Interdisco netlabel, Seide has now transcended to netlabel Aerotone for his latest release, Zum Abschied.
Trondheim’s music is tranquil, yet filled with a spectrum of emotion. Songs tend to be simultaneously uplifting and unhappy, as can be heard in the opener “Erlöst von dieser Hoffnung”. Like other select Aerotone artists, Trondheim blurs the lines between electronica and folk. But where the emphasis is on the latter more often than not, Trondheim switches things up with heavier digital elements and more tweaked-out computerized additions and manipulations.
Seide also capitalizes on the bizarre and awkward. “Der heimliche Star des Abends” is weird, after a more than pleasant introduction, it dives nose first into being an oddity, though a calming one. The same can be said for the majority of Trondheim’s library (with a few glorious exceptions, like “Bevor Du Gehst”).
No, Seide is never one to shun the strange, and it’s a trait that can be heard throughout Zum Abschied, the aerotone release. It’s also a trait that makes Trondheim largely unaccessible. But, if you can get past all that, Seide’s music may open a few doors in your mind and allow eclectic free-though to roam.
Trondheim: Bevor Du Gehst [mp3]
[audio:090313_trondheim_-_bevor_du_gehst.mp3|titles=Bevor Du Gehst|artists=Trondheim]
Trondheim: Der Heimliche Star Des Abends [mp3]
[audio:090313_trondheim_-_der_heimliche_star_des_abends.mp3|titles=Der Heimliche Star Des Abends|artists=Trondheim]