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Home ยป The Golden Hours: Spooky EP [Album Review]

The Golden Hours: Spooky EP [Album Review]

The Golden Hours

It’s been a very long time since anyone has heard from The Golden Hours. That is, if you were aware of their existence to begin with; their brief lapse into the reality of 2006 saw them delivering some pretty amazing lo-fi folk via Not Not Fun Records in The Mystery & Her Crew and after a moment’s notice, they were gone.

Well, not any more. They’ve returned with Spooky EP, to be released via Eggy Records on cassette. The mere four songs is a departure from their early work in that 1) they’ve added two folks whose names begin with A, and 2) the folk is gone, replaced with catchy, distorted pop. What remains is the lo-fi elements which were so attention demanding on their prior EP. That and their ability to write catchy, lovable tunes.

“My Feet Beneath The Water” and “Baked Brown” both are true pop, undoubtedly twee, and packed with beautiful, beautiful distortion. In a way, these songs, including the other two in “Spooky” and “The Painting I Made” remind me a bit of the recent self-titled release by The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart.

Another key difference between Spooky and Mystery And Her Crew is the vocal lead. Where the 2006 EP saw both founding members trading places often, here it’s all Eliza. Raf is still present, just not on vocals. This change keeps Spooky consistent, allowing it to flow flawlessly and providing adequate transitions between songs.

Good things are happening here; let’s just hope that it doesn’t take another three years for their third EP! This album review conclusion comes with a request… no, a demand: The Golden Hours, if you’re listening (and I know you are), please continue making great music like this. I love it. Very much. And please, please, please continue to do it soon!

The Golden Hours: Baked Brown [mp3]
[audio:090302_the_golden_hours_-_baked_brown.mp3|titles=Baked Brown|artists=The Golden Hours]

Spooky EP by The Golden Hours

Eggy Records [CDEP, 2009]

1. Spooky
2. My Feet Beneath The Water
3. Baked Brown
4. ‘The Painting I Made’

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