I’ve had a copy of The Pristines‘ State Of Mine release on Series II for some time, but with the amount of promos I get, I just hadn’t had a chance to fully appreciate it’s indie pop awesomeness. That is, until I received a cute little 3″ CD-R from Peru’s lovable new pop label Susy Records.
The Susy Records EP is titled The Access Trilogy and its trios of tunes instantly caught my ear. “Star”, especially, has a power unlike anything I have previously heard from the band, which, honestly, isn’t much. But it’s intriguing enough to want to hear more. And upon perusing the promo rack for The Pristines, I came away with a beautiful CD-R with a cover that looked like it came from Roy Lichtenstein’s library.
And sure enough, State Of Mine is packed with a similar style of super catchy, minor-ly distorted lo-fi pop that’s highly infectious. While “Star” is my star from the group, “You Pay For Me” off The Access Trilogy is also decent, though it pales in comparison. On State Of Mine, the counterpart is “Suitable Lies”.
The Pristines: Suitable Lies [mp3]
[audio:090220_the_pristines_-_suitable_lies.mp3|titles=Suitable Lies|artists=The Pristines]
The Pristines: You Pay For Me [mp3]
[audio:090220_the_pristines_-_you_pay_for_me.mp3|titles=You Pay For Me|artists=The Pristines]