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Home ยป Camera Obscura: My Maudlin Career [pReview]

Camera Obscura: My Maudlin Career [pReview]

Camera Obscura

So I guess Camera Obscura will be releasing their new album, My Maudlin Career, on 4AD. A few very long years after Let’s Get Out Of This Country, I was just thinking about how the Scottish love pop collective should be nearing their next album release. And now I hear they are!

“My Maudlin Career”, obviously the title track of their forthcoming release, is pretty damn amazing. Not that you’d expect anything but greatness from these guys, but this greatness falls in a slightly new direction. It’s still pop as hell, filled with the signature depression Traceyanne Campbell packs into her siren-like vocals. But it’s got drone, and massive reverb and… production! I, for one, am pretty excited to hear where all this leads…

The track below can also be found on the Camera Obscura website. Please do yourself a favor by visiting the site and subscribing to their email list. My Maudlin Career is out April 20. I’d make a 4/20 joke, but I can’t think of any.

Camera Obscura: My Maudlin Career [mp3]
[audio:090217_camera_obscura_-_my_maudlin_career.mp3|titles=My Maudlin Career|artists=Camera Obscura]

My Maudlin Career by Camera Obscura

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