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The Afternoon Naps [Feature Band]

The Afternoon Naps

Written by Fense

I’ve got a dear friend that swears up and down by The Afternoon Naps. Her name is Keenan and she played in a much loved and FensePost favorite band called Patience Please. So, when I stumbled upon “Clean Bill Of Health”, I figured I might as well check them out. Boy am I glad I did!

It’s been a bit of a tumultuous week for me. I returned home early from work on Tuesday, light headed and nauseous. Wednesday I remained in bed, drained of all energy and suffering from Tuesday’s infliction. Thursday was spent catching up on the work I’d missed.

And that brings me to Friday. I’ve got nothing. I lack energy, enthusiasm and various other words that begin with E. I can’t think straight, thus this feature is all about me and lacks any in-depth wisdom. Nonetheless, I can’t help but get this tune out there. It’s great, and, despite my monotonous nature here, I am quite excited to be writing about these guys.

It’s Tuesday again and I’m feeling fine. I won’t end this on a lame pun about getting better by taking naps in the afternoon. Or maybe I will…

The Afternoon Naps: Clean Bill Of Health [mp3]
[audio:090130_the_afternoon_naps_-_clean_bill_of_health.mp3|titles=Clean Bill Of Health|artists=The Afternoon Naps]

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