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Casiotone For The Painfully Alone: Old Panda Days [pReview]

Casiotone For The Painfully Alone

Written by Fense

I’ve set strict rules for the pReview section; yet, here on the third pReview, I’ve already broken the cardinal one – listening to a single song from an album and writing about it. I cheated: I listened to Advance Base Battery Life, the upcoming release by Casiotone For The Painfully Alone (MySpace), in its entirety.

The release is more a compilation of previously recorded rare material, but with several notable cover-tunes (from artists ranging from Springsteen to Simon) and the like… ah! I’m digressing already. I’m here to talk about “Old Panda Days”, not to review ABBL.

This isn’t the Casiotone For The Painfully Alone that I know. Owen Ashworth’s lo-fi, twee-ish group is more recognized when he fronts it with his lowly-pitched, gruff and gravely voice. Yet there are qualities that unmistakably belong to CFTPA, like the casio keyboard lines and the signature lo-fi folk nature of the music that is immersed and inundated with pop.

So, in all honesty, I’m exciting to hear… err… more of Advance Base Battery Life. While “Old Panda Days” is a stretch from the much loved Etiquette, it is good, and there’s no question about the future of Casiotone – it’s a bright one filled with casually romantic, yet utterly sad tunes. Now that’s what I call beautiful.

Advance Base Battery Life by Casiotone For The Painfully Alone

Casiotone For The Painfully Alone: Old Panda Days [mp3]
[audio:090203_casiotone_for_the_painfully_alone_-_old_panda_days.mp3|titles=Old Panda Days|artists=Casiotone For The Painfully Alone]

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