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Top 33 and 1/3 of 2008, The Edits

Top 33 and 1/3 of 2008, The EditsWritten by Fense

So my end of year list was part hit, part miss. I nailed it, for the most part, but flubbed by including two ’07 albums. To be a pal, I left up the two (Beirut and Stars) and simply crossed them out. So, that left my 33 and 1/3 off by two. I’ve taken it upon myself to add new numbers 32 and 33. Proceed…

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32. Lookout Mountain, Lookout Sea by Silver Jews

Lookout Mountain, Lookout Sea by Silver Jews

I’m a new Silver Jews fan, and I can say that I’m pretty damn excited to be a new fan — with it comes a massive library of released material, waiting for me to check it out. Lookout Mountain, Lookout Sea continues David Berman’s style of off-beat folk-ish music; it’s one of the more recent constants on my playlist these days.

Listen to Silver Jews on MySpace.

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33. Trouble In Dreams by Destroyer

Trouble In Dreams by Destroyer

It is often an unobtainable feat, living up to great successes of the past. And it is slightly unfortunate that Trouble In Dreams by Destroyer suffers that fate — 2006’s Destroyer’s Rubies would have easily made my top ten had I given the album even a tenth of my attention span for even five seconds, but alas I did not. I vowed to ensure the tragedy did not happen again — and it didn’t. Still, Trouble In Dreams is a worthy successor, more than capable of this year’s list, even if it was added “after the fact.” Maybe I just need to do an “update” list for the prior year…

Destroyer: Foam Hands [mp3]
[audio:0103_destroyer_-_foam_hands.mp3|titles=Foam Hands|artists=Destroyer]

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