I don’t know about the rest of the world, but here in America we like to binge. Be it binge drinking, binge eating, binge buying. We gorge ourselves to the point of being quite disgusting. I am part of the problem, and a recent visit to the Cloudberry Records website saw me binge downloading a mass of mp3s, many of which will soon find their way here into posts (though I may concoct a playlist — better yet, mixtape — of various artists from the label to post all at once).
Bye Bye Bicycle is one of the artists I pulled from the indie-pop and twee label. And their song “Siren” comes from a single. It has the sounds of brit pop, in the vein of a major Morrissey and Smiths influence. Not all Bye Bye Bicycle’s music is super Smiths-y, though. “Eastside” takes a slightly different direction, with synth-heavy hooks and more new-wave-y emotive vocals. Still, the guitars are filled with a lovable jangle and the bass-line is all over the place.
I can feel it coming — that satiated feeling one gets when they’ve filled up on a mass quantity of whatever. Bye Bye Bicycle is just the first band of dozens that I will come to love as I work my way through the Cloudberry catalog. “Sirens” is definitely my fav so far… and it’s no surprise they’re from Sweden.
Here’s another called “Westside” available to listen on Bandcamp: