Written by Fense
I’m currently in bed. My eyes are half shut and half a bottle of Syrah is settling in my stomach. And in my ears are the pleasant pop melodies of Peace In Our Time. Despite my current demeanor, I would not call Peace In Our Time bedroom pop. There’s too much going on — the songs too full of live for the genre of slumber. Even the slower side of Peace In Our Time features percussion too loud and guitars too sunny for bedroom pop.
On the other hand, Peace In Our Time is not lively enough to fit the categorization several fellow Swedish artists enjoy in full-fledged indie pop. Sure, this band has plenty of pop that, no surprise, encompasses the term indie quite well, but it isn’t quite as dance-y as, say, Acid House Kings. It does share common ground with American Analog Set’s louder tunes, which could almost be considered bedroom pop, but aren’t nearly as much so as their softer tracks.
Either way you look at it, there’s something inherently good in Peace In Our Time’s lovable style of pop. Call it what you want — I’ll simply label it “Great Pop”.
A Glimpse Of Happiness is out now on Series II Records.