Au Revoir Simone seems to have created a slew of impersonators. Recently Hearts Of Palm UK released an album that blended multiple-part harmonies and an emphasis on keyboards. What I’ve heard of that release, I’ve enjoyed. The same can be said for the recent release by Chop Chop, called Screens.

The vocal sound is quite similar as are the drum box beats, but the backing instrumentation is a bit plusher with selective stringed instruments from guitar to violin. These differences, while they seem significant, are actually quite miniscule when looked at from above. However, this only lasts through the first few songs before spreading itself out a bit.
When the album hits “Damascus”, the sounds increase–there is a definite synth element that is missing in Hearts Of Palm UK and Au Revoire Simone. And then the strings increase in “Serial Killer”, a romantically orchestrated tune initially at odds with its title. It soon dives into eerie synth lines that are a bit more fitting.
“Fed” includes the first male vocals, paired harmonically with the earlier female ones; the midpoint, it is also the highpoint on Chop Chop. Provided for your listening enjoyment below are two tracks, “C Train David” and “Northern Airlines”. Enjoy!
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